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Everything posted by patchworkcrew

  1. They must be coming from an animal so it might be worth speaking to the cat owner. With 9 cats they might not have noticed? If the cats are tick free - what other animals might be in the garden? Bob G
  2. CCI do them as well but I haven't got a clue who sells them. If you can't find it under .22 shotshell, you mind look at "dust shot" which is another name it goes by. I thought Fiocchi do them - I know they make the 9mm and I'm sure Iv'e seen an ad for them somewhere but can't remember where. Are you shooting with rifle or have you got a .22 shotgun? If shotgun, what make? Bob G
  3. Steve - You're a star. Bob G
  4. Don't know what the first pic is but I'm pretty sure the spider is a "nursery web" spider. Nice Pix Bob G
  5. Nice pic I think it's called a Leucistic Jackdaw - quite rare. Bob G
  6. That's the problem with forums isn't it? I know when I was younger and the only forum I knew starred Frankie Howard, I learnt by going out with someone. If I said something daft then sure, I got ridiculed but not in public for all to see and join in. We get lots of youngsters come to us on our estate - we have 3 at the minute - the questions they ask sometimes leave us speechless. Our friend here got a right bashing for giving advice that was clearly a non-starter. I say keep asking the questions and making suggestions. If they are completely off the wall, someone will put us str
  7. Some sound advice from the previous posters. In all arguments someone has to be the "grown up". With me it's usually my 10 year daughter who is older in years than my 55! While I'm throwing my toys out of the pram she's the one who calmly puts them back in! Shooting out of the bedroom window is probably the safest option - less chance of a shot going astray - but it also makes you more visible to your neighbour! Ah well, who said it would be easy? Bob G
  8. "Stalking and flushing out Up to 2 dogs may be used to stalk or flush out a wild mammal if: the stalking or flushing out is carried out for one of the following purposes: preventing or reducing serious damage which the wild mammal would otherwise cause to livestock; to birds or other property; or to the biological diversity of an area; participation in a field trial in which dogs are assessed for their likely usefulness in connection with shooting; the stalking or flushing out does not involve the use of a dog below ground (unless the requirements of the ‘gamekeepers’ exemptionâ
  9. Is "p***y" offensive? I think it depends whose saying it.
  10. Yes agreed I have read that advice on Seagulls. I'm not entirely certain why seagulls should be the preserve of professionals but I guess that's a bit off topic. I must admit - I'd never really thought about the 50 ft rule and gardens but I suppose it's pretty logical it should to gardens as anywhere else. Bob G
  11. You got me fair and square on an earlier post re guns in cars but are you sure about the General Licence on Health grounds being the preserve of the professional? I ask because we manage Canada geese under general licence citing health but we don't employ a professional pest control operative - we do it ourselves. Bob G
  12. cheers buddy all opinions are welcome and youre honesty is appreciated.must admit youve got me worried now do you go on work placements on the game and wildlife coarse?? if yes how has that gone for you?? do the others on your coarse share your opinion?? gossy. Yes, same here - I'd like your opinion on the work placements. I'd always rated Sparsholt very highly but if they have cut back on the short courses and tickets that would be a concern. If the work placement programme has deteriorated that would be even more so. They were always quite proud of the placements they got
  13. Very impressive The only one I can offer is this one - oh, wait a minute - that's the channel tunnel breakthrough. Some of the excavations posted come a pretty close second though!
  14. SS is quite right - I stand corrected about the "car safe". Taking reasonable precautions is spot on but I wouldn't like to test it either. You might consider - if you want more peace of mind or security and you are on a bike - a lockable trigger guard but it's not a legal requirement. Bob G
  15. Hello there Oh yes, several bulldozed traps and one that dug completely under the barrel trap I'd laid - shoddy workmanship on my part and no excuse. No - I didn't put it very well. We have probably hundreds of moles on our estate. Most we leave alone but where we decide to get a mole - it does get caught - sometimes straight away, sometimes after what seems to be game set and match to the mole. The worst to get, in my opinion are those that tunnel through wood chip mulch. It's very difficult (or I find it difficult anyway) to get a clean lay without disturbing the tunnel too much.
  16. Hugh here is quite right. No moles in Ireland. That might be why you haven't caught any. Bob G
  17. Only flushing out to guns with no more than 2 dogs if memory serves?
  18. Hello Mole Control - the sport of kings! I shoot most calibers from 7.62 down to air rifle but, for me, the most satisfying, in a "job well done way" is trapping moles. They are a worthy adversary and if you have not had much success so far then do not despair! Once you've cracked moles everything else is easy. More seriously it's difficult to say what to do unless you can give some idea of what you are doing. The most common mistake is to put the traps in the wrong place. Moles have 4 basic patches of "turf". Where they rest, where they move, where they are pushing out into
  19. Hello rickw The regs are the same. If it's on your person then a slip case is fine. If it's left unattended in your car then you would have a problem explaining if it was stolen and wasn't in a secure "car safe" Bob G
  20. Some of the best advice I've seen! Go out without your rifle. Take some binoculars. Look for the signs. Rabbit runs, "tunnels" in the hedgerow, check boundaries, for example, where they cross stock fencing. But also check where you would put yourself if you had a rifle. Time spent on a recce is never wasted. Bob G
  21. Agreed. The modern teacher is just like most other people. Targets have to be reached. It's not the fault of the teachers. It's the fault of the people that set the targets. So will those of you with kids in yr 6 or 9 boycott the SATS? Because that's what teachers want to happen. Then teachers can get on with what we value rather than what we count. Mind you - 50 years ago - what would have been the difference? Bob G
  22. Nice rifle nice setup. How did you find Anderson's? I think they are pretty good. Nice showroom, good workshops, friendly staff. Always come away knowing more than I did when I went in. The only thing I would have changed is the moderator. I'd have gone for the Utra but I don't know if they stock them. Good shooting. Bob G
  23. I don't know about the multi catch traps but on our estate we have a "no poison" policy (rightly or wrongly) for squirrel traps and we find crunchy peanut butter works a treat. Bob G
  24. Is that the way this forum works? Someone asks advice and most of the posts ridicule them. What happened to good advice? It's really easy to use years of experience to put someone down. Bit of of an easy target though isn't it? Bob G
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