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About pw7x57

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  • Birthday 04/02/1957

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  • Interests
    Stalking, trout fishing, Clay busting, photography and loads of traveling.
  1. Monte Glad you have decided to leave them. Its a big dilemma, do you shoot or not? There are a lot of couldn't care less people out there who wouldn't think twice. It would be great to see a good population of Roe in a few years in Derbyshire. In the last few years two or three have been seen locally. For the other members, Derbyshire has a Healthy population of Red, Fallow and Muntjac if you know where to look, not as many as neighbouring counties, but here's hoping. I hope you see them again Monte keep us posted. ATB Paul
  2. Glad you got it sorted. I have a T3 in synthetic with a blue barrel that only likes 100g bullets Hornady and Sako. A lot of friends who have synthetic stainless barrels say 90g are brilliant. Mine spits them everywhere. Anyone having problems getting factory bullets?? Paul
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