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About trafford1

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  1. hi all could any of you please help , back in the sport after many years out and out of touch . i have recently purchased a s410 .22 . when i have taken it for a re-charge to my local gun shop they have charged it to 170 to 180 is this the norm . if not what should they be charging it to . cheers
  2. True about time I often keep two see which is better as one at 6 months may be not the best at twelve months,,all depends what time and effort you can put in,,But sometimes you can b lucky and get two nice ones or two shit ones...lol But sounds like good advice early days yet , i will be happy if one of them turns out as good as their mother
  3. cheers mate thats what most people have been saying
  4. hi all i have 2 bitches left from my litter , one of them i have liked from the start the other my wife picked .a few of my hunting mates are saying you should never train 2 pups at one go . reason being all they will want to do is play and drag the mother down , true or false . so just wondering have any of you had experiences in training more than one pup at a time
  5. hi all my bitch give birth to 9 glorious pups ,of which 7 have been sold leaving me with 2 bitches . its a hard choice to let one go because i wish to keep them both . i have had mixed advice on training them , some people are saying you should never train 2 pups in one go reason being one will drag the other down . is this true , i know it will be difficult but i think with patience it can be done.
  6. hi all been my first season flying a female h/h , loved it wish i had done it years ago , even though i love her to bits [ not my wife ] i still cant stop thinking about flying a goshawk . in all your opinions when do you think it would be best to take the step . i am pretty lucky with time being self employed , so time wouldnt be a problem as i have been told that is the main thing on manning a gos ?
  7. Hi I have had to make a new account as my previous one named trafford will not allow me to get on there anymore
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