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About Ramsy

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  1. I don't know that there's crud in the barrel, I just would've guessed. After holding the lead pellets, I have lead all over my fingers, I presumed you wouldn't want that in your barrel!
  2. Thanks everyone. I've found a rifle shooting club nearby, gunna give them a ring tomorrow!
  3. Ahh, I have been using the furry cleaning attachment on my bisley cleaning kit. Not very regularly, probably 3 or 4 times, just in and out to drag out any crud. http://www.targetairweapons.co.uk/acatalog/Bisley-Kit-1A.jpg ^^ that's the kit I use, the furry attachment. I think I'll stop using it now then! Thanks for the replies.
  4. Ok, I've looked at stuff for getting a firearms certificate and it seems might complicated! I've contacted my local target shooting place to ask if I can pop in and chat with them first, seems I don't know enough yet! I am wanting to do some plinking with my air rifle somewhere a little quieter, as I sometimes feel I may be annoying neighbours by plinking in my back yard, it isn't the loudest of air rifles, but nobody wants to hear tin cans bouncing around all day! Is it reasonable to find a quiet corner of a field and start plinking, or could that land me in trouble? Also as for transp
  5. Hey all! I own a QB 78 air rifle, shooting pointed .22 lead pellets. I maintain the exterior with silicone gun oil, but I seem to have lost the gun oil that I used to "lube" the barrel! I am just wondering how important it is to oil the barrel? I regularly use a cleaning kit to remove dirt from the barrel, but is that enough? Thanks!
  6. Hi guys thanks for the warm welcome. My air rifle fires at around 10 Ft/Lbs, it's the QB 78 if that helps! I'd love to hunt with it but I'm not sure if it'd be powerful enough. I think I'd like to start hunting with proper rifles! How do I go about starting this? I am 18, so I believe I am of legal age to own a rifle, but that's about as far as my knowledge goes! I live down a street with quite a few houses, so not very rural! Just looking for advice on where to start, where I can look for local hunting clubs etc!
  7. Hi, my name is Sam, I'm interested in starting hunting, so I found this forum! The only rifle (if you can even call it that) experience I have is with a .22 air rifle plinking tin cans and the like in the back yard! Nice too see such a large community!
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