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Everything posted by tony1978

  1. i will give you a bell about the dog this afternoon,
  2. good look with the sale top dog!!!
  3. does anyone have the number for the working wheaton and glen of immal club in ireland please
  4. ive got a 14 monthg patterdale the problem is only 1 of his testicles has dropped. has anyones elses got a dog with this problem and if so what did they do?
  5. pups first day to ground bolted 2 get on!!!

    1. welshhound2


      hows she doin tony


  6. barryvox and rechargeable collar all the way!!!
  7. ive got a terrier and one ball has dropped the other you can see but hasnt dropped, can the vet just take the 1 ball and would it affect the dog if i wanted to breed in the future?
  8. greyhound x bull my first dog easy to train and just wanted to please all the time, point and fire
  9. does anyone know of any one whos breeding them
  10. a friend of mine told me of a dog he used to have for pre ban fox, it was a greyhound x (either german shepard or alsation) not sure which one it was but he did say it was one of the best dogs he had worked, does anyone work these and if so what are they like, and have you any pictures
  11. ive just got a new lurcher bitch it is whippet x airedale, greyhound x bedlington the thing is the dog is now 9 months, it has been out with a hound pack for the last few months, she is steady but last night i took her lamping when she misses the rabbit she self hunts and i dont see her for 10 minutes. when i go for a walk her recall is good its just when she has a scent shes off and only comes back when she has finished hunting please help can a dog be a bushing dog and a lamping dog? any help will be greatly appreciated
  12. ive just got a bitch which is airdale whippet x beddlington greyhound good nose fast and loads of bottle well happy with her 7 month old i will put a pic on later
  13. whats the best food for a terrier raw meat or dried food help me out please,
  14. bought one from him about 5 years ago, went to his kennels loads to choose from the guys just a puppy farmer. oh yes the dog was shit
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