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Everything posted by Borderer

  1. Nice looking pup mate, my kind of dog but then I am a collie fan anyway Best of luck with her & let us know how she progresses.
  2. You're more than welcome mate...your correspondence rec'd today,thanks Many thanks for the kind words, the gaffer's pleased that you're pleased. YIS.....
  3. Just been up to the scottish borders where Buzzards are now very common. Last friday I had set out a few woodie decoys and was sat waiting for the grey hoards to arrive(which they didn't!) when suddenly whack a pair of Buzzrads flew over and one actually tried to pick up the plastic decoy...I couldn't believe it never known them try to take woodies before. In my own part of lancashire i had never seen one until a month ago when I saw one on a fence post next to charnock richard sevices. I hope it's the first of many as i love to see them when I'm out and about.
  4. here ya go mate, sorry about the PM problem...the scan doesn't do it justice!! Let me know if you like it and i'll post it off. Cheers
  5. Not everyones cup of tea perhaps but they are my kind of dog......Do you know what percentage of collie is in them, the first one looks like a 1st cross to me. Here's a pic of my collie bitch when we were out ferreting .
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