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Everything posted by rebell

  1. cheers very much, ive treid to take him to the birds and correcting on lead and honestly hes superb on lead, i then let him of but he went straight away after them so i went back to square one on lead and afterwards tried him on a lunge line, same affect couldnt fault him, but no matter what i do its as soon as hes of the lead hes away. il continue to train on lead for a while longer and test him again however i will be honest that i am begining to lean towards a electric collar however il try anything before that. thanks again to you all very useful information. chris
  2. hi, i have a year and a half old cocker that i recently got, hes still entire (although as soon as funds allow hell have the snip!) working lines and does listen to me very well, however im a game keeper and live in the middle of the shoot and it turns out hes a chaser, and as soon as he gets the scent or sight of a bird or anything for that matter i cannot stop him.. ive tried a spray collar with no effect, ive taken him on my rounds to the pheasent but no matter what happens he is truly bird crazy, im thinking of an electric collar but to be honest im a bit wary of one for him.. so thoughts
  3. i agree with rickyspringer, if your walking with other dogs then really crack down on the behaviour because it could lead to misbehaviour when working near other dogs, i allways use a bit of a check on the lead, turn walk the other way or simply stop get the dog back to heel and when ready carry on, if your with other dogs ive allways made the other person carry on walking.
  4. at the kennels i worked at a great dane was feed on the barf diet but he had a little (not even a cup full) of biscuits, he looked stonking, we do the same with our 2 great danes and their coats are lovely and they still work brill (great danes are gundogs, go figure!) however we do feed the labs on a dry food (DR johns silver) and every 3rd day put some meat in, we use chicken carcass's mainly. BARF diets are fantasic and work brilliantly! chris
  5. my black lab didnt have her first season till she were about 15/16 month old
  6. i allways loved airgun hunting because its, imho, one of the most challenging sports their are becuase if youve managed to get the stalk up to your quarry, ge that right shot and do it safetly, all within a maximum range of 50 yards, you have deserved that kill and it makes it alot more enjoyable, and dont get me wrong every single country sport has its area of speciality wether it be high flyers on shoots or culling deer. also its betterwhen you have footpaths all over the shocking place! chris
  7. good looking pup there matey!! chris
  8. it is possible, god if my ol'mam can do it with a great dane... also like you say there originally a water retreiver so they should be fine onland retrieving shot game!
  9. surley if your on councill or public land it isnt classed as poaching, i was under the impression that the poaching laws were revoked however now they catch you and bugger you up worse with armed trespass? so if its true than all somebody would have to do is go out with fert with no knives, guns or any impliments like that. also i read somewhere that daytime was classed as 1 hour before sunset and 1 hour after sunrise, night is classed as 1 hour after sunset and 1 hour before sunrise, so with this in mind poaching is illeagle (condradicts what i said earlyier but you know [bANNED TEXT] i mean
  10. cheers, some helpful replys here
  11. ive been ferreting for only 1 season and i only just got my own ferret about febuary time, hes a full polecat hob, age unknown as he wasfound at the side of a road. i would really love to rear a litter (i should be getting a full jill soon). but i know little about it, does it matter about crossing colours or how often do i need to be there, when can you wean them, etc. problem is ive got some land that the previous owners left as a right shit hole, so im at work at day and then alot of the time i work on the land, would this cause problems? just wonderd about you opions and thoughts etc
  12. ive not even got my sgc yet but would like to know about safe shots and shotguns. ill most likely go for a 12bore and would use it for (if i can) rough shooting, at the moment i do alot of airgun shooting and i know safe shots from the unsafe ones, and i wondered what a safe shot is with a shot gun, the land i own is only 5 acres and on 2 sides theres a farmer 1 side theres a public footpath and the fourth side theres a cematary, the land is divided into 2 feilds and apart from the 1st field its well coverd by bush and trees on all 4 sides. on this land i would shoot mainly pigeon, rabbit and
  13. a freind of mine does alot of dog training expect she does pet dog, agility and gundogs. all she needed to do was get insured and reconized by the kennel club so she could do the kennelclub good dog citizen scheme. after that ask around at like local parks and such to use the land for traning unless you have your own and then get your name out there. to be honest every now and then if you go into the publics eye you will most likely get more buisness. i know when i was helping a freind on the local park with their pet dog i got about 3-4 people ask me for my number and if it was a 1 on 1 job
  14. last time i asked a few loocal coppers they said its fine to shoot whenever you want on private land so long as your over 10 however you have to be accompianed by somebody over the age of 21 when walking to the land or in any public place. thought this was just ridiculusly stupid and should be changed. cheers chris
  15. i go to training and alot of folks dogs (all breeds, both pet and workers) have been coming down with kennel cough ours just got over it even though all of ours have had their kennel couch vacsines, has any one else's dogs had this in last month or so around derbyshire/midlands area? i just wondered because it seems to have hit this area quite hard! cheers chris
  16. just as matter of interest has anyone here ever gone to a dog scurry at game fairs? particuley scurry bandits which mainly go to living heritage game fairs. i just wonderd because i work them and thought it would be nice to see if any one else on here went to them? cheers chris
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