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The Field Hunter

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132 Excellent

About The Field Hunter

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 13/10/1983

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  • Interests
    hunting ,fishing,boxing

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  1. What type of thermal is that pal and how far would you say the badger was
  2. Not been out with catty for couple of weeks but last time was out shot this terrier retrieved it and mangled it so gave it to the ferrets
  3. Them pies or over rated no were near as good as haffners
  4. Two dust bins take up a lot ov room
  5. How come non of them do gooder politicians never mention out about spreading disease which wipes every rabbit for miles and horrible death to. Then they bothered about a dog taking a couple for food sound abit strange to me
  6. Nice beddy x . I was out today was still soaked under waterproofs
  7. Did you end up starting a rat pack in North Wales pal
  8. I'd give it anti inflammatory to help it heal faster. I had dog ones that kept breaking the same toe looked just like that . I found that keeping the dog 100% fit and right weight was the way forward
  9. Three ferret kits Jill's one albino two polecat. For free in Lancashire
  10. Three ferret kits Jill's one albino two polecat. For free in Lancashire
  11. They look strong animals pal. That's them two of mine
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