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Everything posted by dadioles

  1. Yes Dan, you make a fair point. The same people who turn down my offer of a free rabbit, skinned gutted and prepared for cooking, will happily buy "two for 5 pounds" chickens in the supermarket that have red marks from urine burns or bent bones from inbreeding or cramped conditions, or foreign pork reared in much worse conditions than UK pigs. Les
  2. Thanks for all the replies, maybe I was just having a bad day, but then again.... You are right (Nik_ that whatever we do the Antis will work against us but most of the population are like sheep and they just follow a trend without thinking so let's at least not fall into their stereotyped view of us as bloodthirsty killers. Your comment "Killing animals cannot be called anything other than cruel..." is kind of true but perhaps a bit harsh, when I shoot a wild free ranging rabbit in the head it is instant lights out and dinner for my family, that is not cruel unless you think it would be
  3. Give a thought to binoculars with built in image stabiliser. They don't come cheap but they are amazing. I have trouble holding binoculars with higher magnifications (x8 or more) steady. Add an inmage stabiliser, press a button and it just locks on rock solid even at 12x or 15x Canon have excellent bright lenses with a really flat image. At least try them before making the decision. Les
  4. I have only had my firearms certificate for a couple of years and I am proud to have it and feel that it is a priviledge which sets me apart from many other people. When I read some of the posts in this and other shooting forums I really find myself wondering how long we are going to be able to keep shooting before the wishy washy anti brigade finally manage to tie us up in so much legislation that it is just not practical to carry on. Too many posts, tongue in cheek or whatever, portray shooters as blood thirsty and irresponsible and quite frankly I question whether some of them shoul
  5. Hello I am waiting for delivery of a Pulsar N550 digital night vision scope which I understand has to be mounted onto a US standard 7/8" Weaver Rail. My new CZ 452-2E-ZKM American has a 3/8" wide dovetail groove so I need to adapt / convert that to Weaver Rail. Can anyone suggest what I need? The Deben catalogue has one piece and two piece adapters but 11mm and 3/8" are not necessarily universal and I am concerned about ejection and bolt clearance. It looks as though two 1" wide adapters may be sensible, hopefully that will avoid blocking cartridge ejection. BKL-566 (BKL) or
  6. Well... what a response. A huge thank you to all of you. Today I collected a new CZ 452 American with a full length barrel and SAK moderator. So far I have only tried Winchester Super X Subsonic but was absolutely amazed at how quiet the gun was. I chose the full length barrel for two reasons. One - it is significantly cheaper - apparently they are all manufactured long, that is why you pay more for the shorter barrel, it has been cut down. Two - the longer barrel is quieter than the shorter barrel. Logical really. The added length (beyond that required for efficient combustion
  7. You are right, I don't know why I said "Varmint". My Anschutz has a lighter barrel. From my limited experience I would choose a short and lighter barrel.
  8. Hello I currently use an Anschutz .17HMR and it is a great gun but, being supersonic, unavoidably very loud. That is not a problem during the day but not so sensible at night. With the bad press that shooting has had over the years I am becoming quite self concious when lamping at night. Walking around in a field, advertising my presence with a huge red lamp and carrying a gun which, if fired, can be heard an awful long way away is just inviting problems. Now I have a slot to add a .22LR and moderator (not purchased yet). To resolve the (look everyone I am over here) lamp issues
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