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jimmys shop

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Everything posted by jimmys shop

  1. With a name like Boozer you might find the info out in your local
  2. just seen this thread on the forum and before i even open it up i said to myself i bet that cock conney replies to this the great whitE hunter theres nothing that this man does know about hunting of hound terriers wheatens bull he knows it all i am really looking forward to his book cos trust me this boy loves himself that much there will be one on the shelf COCK who the feck are you to tell anyone there not up to scratch to be a terrierman would it not suit you better if you disagreed and kept it to your self instead of coming on here spoffing your ego is getting the better of you son
  3. Gnash you seem to enjoy having a punt ,theres some good odds to have at tonights game wiith Paddy Powers .
  4. jimmys shop


    Better known as Lurgan Champagne uphere . :tongue2:
  5. Should be a good match ,looking forward to it and giving the UTD fans the usual slagging when any other team go,s near them all their fans ever shout is PELANTY !!!!!!!!! ,its turned into a LAUGHING STOCK :laugh: now in our club as every other fan screams PELANTY as Utd dive at every opportunity .
  6. Very good value for a traditional Harris jacket .
  7. Its an addiction at times that can get people carried away .Yes ive been there on a major level .
  8. Good day was had with old friends ,how did easter go for you Volunteer

  9. Volunteer what happened to your Easter Greeting mo chara .

    1. volunteer


      dont know jim ,maybe we're not allowed to be IRISH :)

  10. Seems such a shock to the legal teams in Scotland of his sudden death ,R.I.P Paul .
  11. Good team of terriers there Liam ,nice countryside .How is the old F.C doing ,havent seen him from Flashers (r.i.p ) funeral .
  12. Mudd i think going down to the Boneman in Newry is the best answer .He,ll be able to put your mate,s mind at rest and advise him whats the best way to fix it .
  13. Oul Ken isn,t on here ,so im sure we will have to wait to someone else who be,s intouch with him on a regular basis gives us Kens verdict .
  14. Chris i was talking to that guy over here ,he was telling me he rang you last night . Cheers im sure he will sort you out with a pup .
  15. Good topic here ,Chris i thought them lads you are referring to sorted you out with pups , i,ll be talking to one on tuesday and ask him the score .
  16. Barry you only getting that now , ,he told me he threw it round to you at start of dec . They look like a strong article ,put you in mind of half wheatens ,even though there not ,if they work the way the sire do,s then yous will have another good litter of pups around yous ,be interesting to see how they mature for start of next season .good luck with them barry .
  17. yeah jimmy think you did see them , thats 5 out of a litter of 6 that have been dug to . and the 6th a big dog is showing good signs to :D keep us posted on the big dog ,no doubt you,ll have him out over the holidays ,give us a shout maybe get a beer .
  18. Good result Barry ,was the two litter sisters the ones i seen . Seems to be a good line there yous have been working .
  19. Excellent Sadie looks like youve been busy ,good photos .
  20. Taxman is a proper c**t ,he can make some peoples lifes a complete misery .Same as the people who are employed in their offices .Usually the working class get hammered whilst the Fat Cats get of scotfree .
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