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jimmys shop

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Posts posted by jimmys shop



    folks the grand hotel in moate are offering b&b at 45 euro pp 60 euro pp with a two course meal and 70 euro pp with a four course meal 09066481104

    That's a fair price ,couldn't,t get cheaper , we stayed in a neat B&B the last time ,think the wee woman Sue was

    Half mad but had a laugh .

    they have sold up since mate we have moved the show too the town of moate almost in the town a lovely venue be great if ye lads could make it down again

    I,ll get onto the bro and ask him ,I'll try to get intouch with that horny oul f****r Ken with his one arm and ask him do,s he fancy one more good weekends session ,he's a character .


    folks the grand hotel in moate are offering b&b at 45 euro pp 60 euro pp with a two course meal and 70 euro pp with a four course meal 09066481104

    That's a fair price ,couldn't,t get cheaper , we stayed in a neat B&B the last time ,think the wee woman Sue was

    Half mad but had a laugh .

    3 cases of beer for £24 in Tesco at moment ,I'm sure any men heading down from North could throw them on board for lads who,s taking part in the digging compo .

  3. Jimmy Savile may have been involved in the death of a child during his horrifying 50 year campaign of abuse, a shocking new report has said.


    The allegation was detailed in a report published today following an independent investigation into Savile by University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust.


    READ MORE: This Jimmy Savile Interview From 1990 Is Now Even More Horrifying

    According to the Daily Mail, a male witness, who claims he was also sexually abused by the late DJ, said he saw Savile and a friend "drag away" a little girl who was found dead in Leicestershire the next day.


    The vulnerable child, called either "April or Elizabeth" was being cared for at the Roecliffe Manor children's convalescent home in Woodhouse Eaves in the 1960s, the informant said.


    The report stated: "The Informant stated that he witnessed a girl, who he believes was called April or Elizabeth, being dragged across the garden at Roecliffe Manor by “Jimmy” and another man. She appeared to be in a stupor.


    "The next day the Informant was told by the Matron that this girl had died." The home was shut shortly after the alleged incident in the 1960s.


    However, the report concluded that it could not corroborate the claim and said it had found "no reference to the death of a child at Roecliffe Manor."


    But Leicestershire Police has today confirmed it is investigating the claims, the Mail reported.


    It emerged this week that the late BBC entertainer sexually abused victims ranging in age from 5 to 75 in hospitals across Britain for decades.


    The findings, which cover 28 hospitals and date from the 1960s, said Savile used his access to multiple hospitals as a celebrity, volunteer and fundraiser to exploit and abuse patients and hospital workers of both sexes.


    Among the disturbing allegations were claims that Savile had abused the dead.


    Investigators at Leeds General Infirmary were told Thursday that Savile admitted performing sex acts on the dead in the hospital mortuary.


    And a patient at Barnet General, in London, overheard nurses discussing how they had seen Savile have sex with a dead body at another hospital.


    The DJ even bragged that large rings he wore were "made from the glass eyes of dead bodies at the mortuary".


    This week's report said Savile enjoyed unrestricted access to Leeds General Infirmary as he raised £3.5 million through his charity activities. This gave him the opportunities he needed to indulge in abusive and inappropriate contact with patients and staff.

  4. Is the Nan bitch still alive lads ??


    Think old gouldy deserves a bit of credit lads ,he,s 75 and still at the game. Everybody has their own opinion .


    Had some great days Craic with him on numerous occasions . One thing I'll say he has some memory of breeding going back from the 70,s right up to present day .

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    will find out for you today... tuffty.



    another picture of spartacus uru sent me




    whernt a lump of a dog straight spanable good length of neck, turn of stifle well muscled and well put together ..
    What was he like when you were digging over him Stig,

    dont remember digging the dog i took some time out from terriers around that time because my business had took off and i had a young family to bring up...

    I saw him work in surrey about 91ish. Did his job on the day. Had a dog out of him and a bitch called oil which was a decent hard dog. He did look like a bitch but threw some big strong dogs


    if im correct sparticus was also bred back to that bitch called oil? father to daughter mating some of the pups were in northern ireland round 89-90?


    Jack you are right ,id a bitch the brother got in 1990 at Weston Park out of Oil ,now I can honestly say I was never told the sire was Sparticus ,if I ask an old mate in the morn who used to be on here called 5DOGS he,l know as he was with Ken when we picked it up . Never showed any interest of starting work when I had it , I was dogged out at that time and I gave it to the brother who started it when she was two .He got three digs over her and was showing good signs of being a decent one ,next outing she was entered into a cracking big old earth ,when they got down to her she had suffocated along with the game .My god doesn,t the time fly in ,and then you,ve to rejog the memorys of who that bitch Oil belonged to .Was it a guy called Mick .

  6. STIG,now with the money you have ,sit down ,distress ,take you and the missus away

    for the weekend :air_kiss: ,or else get on the boat and head over to that week of hunting with the

    houndpacks taking place from Monday in Republic Of Ireland ,you,ll have great craic :drink:

    and be fresh for going back .

  7. Honestly mate ,I think your trying to live a dream ,add up all the odds ,listen to

    the folk that live down there ,I think its an expensive move going by friends and

    family who live there ,but at end of the day ,Its your life and if you,ve the money then

    live your dream .

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