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jimmys shop

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Everything posted by jimmys shop

  1. Great day this has always been ,and now only walking distance from the new house , hope this glourious weather keeps up .
  2. Any decent guys on the roadworks ,pipelaying etc ,should give you afew , i mustve supplied half of ireland when we were on the water with them ,if not ask any guy coiming over to any of them shows you attend to bring you a few and square him up with a few quid .good luck . I was lucky enough to bring half a dozen home with me last year ,which i give out to those old digging men ,if im back over shortly ill see if theres any spare ones lying about in the vans .
  3. sky sports one showing run up fights now ,big fight starts later .
  4. Hope you,ve a good day and turn out for the show lads .
  5. Sounds like its the only working terrier show to be at on the Bank Holiday Weekend .
  6. I believe that sinn fein were Antis ,maybe im wrong ,but looking at their last election campaign they were running along side the goverment with a hunting ban in the north . thats true asked them at my door what mandate they had for hunting an said they hadnt one im laughing i know a very educated guy who,s into his huntig big time and he run them up the path as they didn,t support hunting with dogs .
  7. I believe that sinn fein were Antis ,maybe im wrong ,but looking at their last election campaign they were running along side the goverment with a hunting ban in the north .
  8. CHIEF DAN GEORGE won a good race at Cheltenham ,worth looking at also BIG FELLA THANKS .but being a punter i,d rather stay away from these crazy races .
  9. Most guys would rather keep their digging photos to themselves now days , to many people can cut and paste and photos show up in the wrong places .Unfortunately thats what has happened to most good digging guys whos been at the game 30 and 40 years and like to share there digging storys amongst their close pals over a few pints . Thats just the way the digging game has went .
  10. Top class boxe,s there mate ,is it hard to work with the chequered plate , i got an oul man to measure the van 3 year ago and he done me set of wooden treble boxs for the terriers ,excellent job ,seen some nice ones done out for the Hounds,remindinds me of the ones the cops use in the back of vans .
  11. Be careful mate as if any advertising for passengers could entail you need a P.S.V licence and insurance to be carrying passengers for reward , all would be ok on the quiet until somebody put a claim against you for any reason,i would stick to the dogs only .Good luck with your venture and hope it works out for yous .
  12. Great looking fish ,sounds like a great two day event ,im sure it was rough weather conditions .
  13. good on ye lad.i for one have seen it with my own eyes the killing of pike and all sorts of coarse fish.me and my mate wear fishing oxford island on lough neigh their was 2 poles fishing up from us and they ware killing everything that they caught lucky enuff their was no pike killed but they killed a good size bream about 5lb we phoned the bailiffs and they told us that they ware on their way about 4 hours latter their was no sign of the bailiffs.i think that up here in northern Ireland its only going to be a matter of time before some one is going to take the law into their own hands.every o
  14. Beannachtai Na Feile Padraig . and lets hope MASTERMIND wins at CHELTENHAM
  15. BMW sheer class ,3 litre ,great on diesel and has the power when you needto go round stupid old grumpy men who do nothing but moan .God bless the men who built B.M.W.
  16. Chris when your on the run your not supposed to tell anyone ha ha ,good luck .
  17. the 2.5 tdi auto are very thirsty ,very reliable ,id recommend one if you dont mind throwing the extra few quid for fuel ,remember theres a fuel pump then a tandem pump that feeds the injectors ,so watch if your using dodgy diesel as the tandem pump rejects it .
  18. Hopefully the one,s who stole it have the brains to pan it
  19. more like a mug of tea the mans teetotal . STIG im laughing ,when did ken become TEE TOTAL . as when he came over here we had mad sessions for days . Ask him about drinking 30 pints of stout . .. about the time he past his test 10 yr maybe .. he dont touch a drop these days . But the old memorys are still there ,when the Craic was good among digging men , jesus he had an old friend on this site called 5 dogs and a certain man from waterford also them 3 men could put away some pints of stout ,20 years ago .old 5 dogs had a great knowledge of dogs and a memory of an elephant w
  20. more like a mug of tea the mans teetotal . STIG im laughing ,when did ken become TEE TOTAL . as when he came over here we had mad sessions for days . Ask him about drinking 30 pints of stout .
  21. Think LEE would be easy to get in touch with mate , im sure some of his friends on site will let him know your looking him .
  22. HEPHER im joining your gang lol .Have i to wear NIKE AIR MAX or can i wear my old wax barbour and my digging boots with oul smelly moleskins i stole in weston pk 20 yr ago ha ha . Fair play to yous getting loads of digging ,its good country down there .That other bro of mine m had some great permission down there ,we never failed ,even got a tug one day by the RUC and they thanked us for killing two fox,s . Great to hear that your pups have came on well . KEEP DIGGING .
  23. Top class post BOBO ,the photo,s of the dogs and the game says it all .fair play .
  24. has not set their status

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