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Michael lomax

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Everything posted by Michael lomax

  1. mine catches alot of rabbits had a few rats not that many around were i live n she nearly had a fox
  2. shoot the little ba*stards i hate them :realmad:
  3. iv only shot 2 or 3 rabbits with my gun only had it out 3 times i shot a few pigions out tha window quite proud more into ferreting
  4. my first rabbit was the best one so far it was under a tree the dog went under we didnt no y she came out with it moving in her mouth her 1st rabbit n mine a was chuffed 2 bits had 100's since like but 1st always the best well done
  5. i have 1 i der say it the best working dog i have cort rabbits n nearly had a fox
  6. she had them a week late but all died i dont think i did anything rong shes ok and enjoying her new cage my dad just built a dubble 1 just for her
  7. this is my 3rd litter am only 13 this got me a bit worried coz was expecting them on friday does anyone have any advice ? ? ?
  8. none at the momment but the jills due 2morra
  9. i prefer jills tbh but my mate uses hobs n they just as good
  10. hes very quiet in kennel apart from when his dinners there hes been lame but all better now won a few races hes quite small compared to other dogs hes free to good home thanks M.lomax
  11. nice looking dog mate hope it gos to a good home
  12. i cant belive what just happend a just went out 2 feed my ferret & it bit me i cant belive that never befor but i dare say the rabbits bite hurt more
  13. im 13 been ferreting most ov my life never been bit by a ferret and never been hurt But all my mates have never been bit by a rabbit yet i have been bit twice by rabbits anyone else ??
  14. He was lame but hes been running around & hes had treatment and if [NO TEXT TALK] intrested ring my uncle on 07971531579
  15. there added the link on ther he cracking dog gets along with other dogs
  16. my uncle would love to keep him but he cant afford 2 so hes giving him away let me no if ya intrested http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?showpic=14...time=1235321721 thts him hes a young dog
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