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Michael lomax

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About Michael lomax

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday September 12

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  • Location
    bishop auckland

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  1. wat a lad this boi is hes woorth the ground he walks on he will do out for any one

  2. i had 1 in 1st litter 8 in 2nd n 5 in the 3rd
  3. a little bit small but all still alive
  4. She had them a week urleyer than expacted but they seen fine around 8 of them
  5. I gave 4 away the other day to a young lad who asked for 1 but lyked 4 so a said just take them dnt need alot still got 7 left
  6. Seen baby rabbits everywere went a place were didnt even no there were rabbits n there were 4 young rabbits sat just beside the sheds
  7. thats good of ya mate most people would have kept it
  8. iv only bolted one strange thing and it was a frog
  9. Only paid for 3 ferrets rest a got for nothing a wudnt pay £20 for a ferret.
  10. Out for two hours seen a few nice little sets while walking the dogs in morning so thort ask to mates if they fancyed a look out he brought his staffy terrier. 1st set about 20 holes and rabbit bolts down the feild strait in to another set. waiting for the ferret when thought nothing else in this set when the pup started to run up the feild jus behind a rabbit 1st rabbit of the day. Second set 5 holer so tryed my new ferret which was its first time out, wasnt even in for no more than 30 seconds when a rabbit bolted, no falt of the dogs they missed it as it had a huge head start as mate didn
  11. i no what id tell the man if he said anything to me
  12. we bolted one which wasnt fully grown but was a resonable size n we didnt av the choise of letting it go as the dog got it well it was the only one n the others were all fully grown
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