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celtic hound

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Everything posted by celtic hound

  1. you should dave give it a run out
  2. the uplands lurcher and longdog club are staging a gundog scurry at their annual show,28th august at pontop pike,dipton,county durham,dh9 9as. the scurry is being ran by waynnson gundogs and includes a novice class,show starts at 1pm
  3. any more details mate whats there etc cheers a lurcher and terrier show mate,not like a gamefair or anything.usually well attended
  4. blanchland county durham there is one mate
  5. Does anyone know? i would say there was racing as den said a couple of posts ago that he won the racing,as for whippet classes i ain't got a clue
  6. HOPE YOUR NOT GIVING THE POST CODE OUT, THAY MITE END UP IN WALES LOL ha ha could be dodgy that like,they might even end up in pelaw
  7. 28th august i'll put an advert up soon once details are finalised
  8. his bird must know anyway by now ffs.can hardly say am nipping out for the paper n get an injunction.must be nice when she does'nt realize fifty grand has gone out the bank though
  9. braes or derwent hunt,whittonstall on 5th june
  10. aye saw this dog really nice looking animal,with an old grey haired man
  11. lost on the q.e 2 country park and lake at ashington northumberland 9.5.11 at 6pm.answers to the name of ginger.if found please contact andy on 07813 464 579.18 months old coat clipped short.thanks in advance
  12. did they have good lamps in 1862? I"m really liking your answers, you either know what your talking about or barking mad either way good stuff she does and she is
  13. aye boys i must admit you jocks did put your hands in your pockets,well done and thanks for your help
  14. That's kind of my point mate, what went wrong with his wires that he went from being a decent bloke with a good idea (and he was at first) to a common thief? Was he just playing the long game and reeling people in? Who knows ............. LETS JUST SAY ........ IT TOOK ME ABOUT 3 MINUTES OF CONVERSATION TO SUSS , THERE TRUELY IS A SUCKER BORN EVERY MINUTE !! WHAT MADE THE MATTER WORSE WAS JOHN USING A CERTAIN LITTLE FELLA TO MAKE MONEY AND VICE VERSA DUCKWING Who and what do you mean by that? :glare: Yes I did used to work for Jo
  15. near seaham county durham be a midday start i think
  16. met foxgun tom a couple of times although i do not know how much of a terrierman he is,i do know that he does a lot to promote terrierwork.to be honest i would be a bit wary of going digging with a man who wears a skirt the thought of looking up from the dig does not appeal but how can you come on before an event and state that the result is sorted even before the last dog is qualified?
  17. newcastle,always have always will.i would say we are not far off winning the premier league this year,we just need 11 good players
  18. a good show today,managed a second with my lurcher bitch and got nothing with my dog in bull x final.weather was good and plenty of good dogs on show
  19. i put the question up as i was offered what i consider good money for my dog.i give enough of a shit to refuse I think this is an excuse. You may have been offered a sum of money for your dog, and you were testing the water to see what other lurcher men would do. Now you have seen the outcome of it, and that alltho we can be twats for most of the times on here, we do have morals and standards.... You realized that you were being an arsehole by all the real lurchermen on here, who love and cherish a proper worker... Or maybe you just wanted to become a dog peddlaR... the dog is
  20. if thats you in your prime i'd hate to see you when your over the hill weathered
  21. i put the question up as i was offered what i consider good money for my dog.i give enough of a shit to refuse
  22. when it comes down to it where do your loyalties lie?would a good worker stay with you or would it have a pricetag?
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