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Everything posted by targa

  1. Shay, I know "shagging a fox above ground" is not working. And the borders i saw stay below untill dig to. all of them, even when the oven was boiling like hell.
  2. Jasper, whats wrong with 65 shots a bottle? At least it are 60 rabbits or so, aint that enough? Thinking of buy my first pcp, an airwolf 40 ftlb, found 2 reviews thats all, only thing I know is that they cost a lot of money
  3. Dont worry MJC, the last border I saw was a pure kc bred, never saw a fox before, and when we put him in front of a fox he stared at it for 10 seconds, then he grabbed it full hold in the upper jaw. Give them the chance mate, they work. Whatever they say.
  4. 90% of all the borders I seen in my life (maybe 60, 70 over the years? somewhere inbetween) where all workers who grab the fox below ground to kill him. And 50 % made that kill. but maybe I was lucky to be just on the right place in the right time to see it? Bloody characters them
  5. I would like to meet him face to face the F...... W....... did you notice he is stoned first thought yes , stoned as a shrimp with that dark "make up" around his eyes. wanker.
  6. targa

    black cats

    Sometimes its in the news, escaped puma, linx, civet cat spotted.... and of course everyone have seen it after a while the rumours stop, and then they say " becouse its born in captivity it can't survive...." Think there is more outside then we think. Once out ferreting, and put a white jill in a rabbit hole, couple minutes later a brown ferret came out on the other side :whistle:
  7. targa

    bit windy

    My neighbours small garden house implode an hour ago and my garden looks like a disaster area now good for my stove.
  8. targa


    Just been looking over there, jeeeezes what a children.
  9. Me to, nr4 and nr8. Always had good expierience with those knifes. My dad's sandstone is now here in the garage, he used it for sharpen his chisels, its slow turning and wet, and if you finish the sharpening on a oil stone after it, veeeery sharp
  10. A wet sandstone make your knife letterly razorsharp mate , those sharpeners are cheap rubbish and just good to sharp it for a little while.
  11. targa

    tough guys

    I like the guy with the apple he could hardly reach the torso's navel
  12. It helps when you have a big mouth (like them) or give them a good kicking (like they do sometime's) But thats the problem, everyone is to soft to do that, no solidarity amongst us (like they do), but all frustrated about it. I live for 4 years now in a neighborhood with 60% arab muslims, all good guys, I dont give a damn how they live, or where they are living from, but one thing I know, if they know you'r a little hard to deal with, they leave you alone. If everyone is dealing the matter properly when there is need for in a situation, (Kick around you like a horse to a hornet ) the probl
  13. Good bag for a first try out Shooting rabbits from out of a car... sounds like the perfect dream to me , in Belgium its just a dream, as you can't hunt here with an airrifle, but that doesnt mean I dont do it. thismorning i shot 2 maggie's and a crow in the garden, right before sunrise
  14. targa

    New scope

    It looks great , so you really can look in their eyes now.
  15. And its not gonna be better tonight, forecasting talks about 120 to 140 km/u. All the Newyear-fireworks are canceled, so that is one positive thing of it.
  16. Its not my point, becouse I live in Belgium, but a "1831 game act" says enough to me. Made in a time all poor b*****ds where poaching for the pot, the lords and dukes and sir's of your country want to save "their hunting grounds" (say, the whole United kingdom ) Time's are changed since then, and people can hunt (and kill vermin) much more effective and humanly now.
  17. Wardman, be happy that the smackhead not broke a ligament, it cost you more then £800, maybe £8000 Think there's a law that says your responsible for what you do on the street, but I feel sorry for the dog.
  18. If I had to spend that money this moment, I would go for a Theoben Eliminator .20 FAC Pcp: Maybe a Career .177, or a HW 100.177
  19. nexst season ..?? than the dog is just over one year and breed out onproven parents so witch season do you mean ...mice season..??? next season she's 16 months, and I hope she had a couple BIG mice untill that time yes. Maybe the parents are not so proven couse they are (where) young, but what I have seen from them makes me feel good. And they are working lines, so...
  20. were they all out of holes..?? how many would you usually get in the 1 season mate.>?? 1 from under a heap of wood, 2 in the same den, with 10 days inbetween, 1 dig, 2 flush out. passed season we had around 40 foxes, this season its gonna be a lot more I think, since I have a pemission to go on a large military exercise field, 160 Ha, not used for hunting since 1985
  21. Last sunday I had the 3rd fox of the season
  22. targa


    Think its a typical size for a Patriot, rws 350mag, the heavy Gamo?
  23. No problems with gas ram's in a hot summer?
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