I always hit them in the back, or just above the breast in the neck on front. .177 penetrates a bit more, so I take my chances. they mostly drop without flapping a wing, and thats how I like it.
HW 30 s, the finest young boy springer gun. My boy had one when he was 12 years old. I put a Gamo 3-9x32 on the guns back, and of he went. He came home from his first hunting trip with 2 bunny's and a..... pheasant
30s also have the famous "rekord" trigger http://www.target-master.nl/product_info.p...ss3adbl46h1u6c5
Simple solution without recrowning and other problems: Pull the barrel out off the breach and cut him of on the other side Did it with mine and works perfect, You can also keep your front sights intact that way. easy.
Put in a V mach kit is IMO the best thing you can do for your springer gun, also use that V mach seal if you make the descision do tune your gun. Makes your airgun much smoother and easyer to shoot with
You can find all of it here, I think they send overseas.
Once I shot a rat at 10 feet with a Diana mod5 pistol
Sitting on a heap of fire wood waiting for hours till it came out , the rat finaly did, one shot and it was dead. I was 13 years old, and could never be so close to game since then, think I had luck that day.
I had a Gamo spectra when I was younger, always used H&N silverpoints in it (the pointed version of the eunjin pellet: HEAVY!!)
I opend it for a chek out last year: everything brandnew inside!
Think I shot 3500 silverpoints with it
Nice groupings at 15 yards
Best, cheapest, lightest and sharpest knifes for hunting use at the moment IMO. I always have a Nr8 in my pocket
I had my first airgun for my 10th birthday from my uncle, it was a Diana 22 second hand, that is 39 years ago
had a lot of(air)guns since then. Favourites? HW97k, diana 48, Techstar.
We have Goshawks on our city tower since a couple years. Nice to see them banging the flying rats out of the sky!
I spend a lot of time on the market place on a terrace with a beer and my binnoculars this summer, watching them.
Looking nature in the midlle of the city, with a beer
Diana 48/52 for both of your questions, very accurate and powerfull.
Do you have airgun power limits in Austria?
Nasty killer birds those maggies, since may 06 I shot at least 150 of them in a 500m area around the gardens and house. Much more blackbirds, robin's, woodpeckers, and other songbirds now.
Yep, shoot to kill mate.