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Everything posted by targa

  1. Fine hunting kiwi, nice boars. I also hunt wild boar here in belgium, in the Ardennes. Nice quarry. My cousin's live in NZ for whole of their live, and are always on the hunt or fishing! Maybe you know them? Fam Barnes, David (the hunter!), Paul (the fisherman, having a fishing gear store, founder of kite fishing?) Well knowed in Auckland. They always envited me, to come hunt or fishing, but having no money for the trip, and that's a shame greetings
  2. I argeu just the same, when someone comes to me with a wel proven bitch that I know, he may use my dog for free, and not for the first choice in the litter, but for keeping the line's working.
  3. I keep terriers for 25 years, and never had a fight in the house between them. But when kenneld up, they become very jealous to the terriers that run in the garden and house. Never had a fight while hunting, or before or after the hunt. always kennel them bitch/dog, but one time I had a bitch that killed a dog when I came home, why?? Its like you say, sometime's-for nothing- they fight and kill, always have to be careful when they are stressed, or when a rat or cat is passing behind the garden.
  4. I have such story's too, sadly enough... But maybe a lurcher isn't so macho .. and when nobody's home he maybe can guard the garage???!!!, or one of the terriers? I find it a difficult matter..
  5. And what should you suggest: a dog or a bitch (in the situation I'm in, look above) what works best?
  6. if they like chewing bone's, you better give them cow-joints to chew, much better.
  7. I'm looking for a lurcher to keep, got 1 problem, my 4 terriers.( 2kenneld in the garden, 2 living in the house) making another kennel for the lurch in the garden is no option, becouse I have to dig in my wife's flowers and herbs, and then she divorce or kill me. So i was thinking to keep him (her) in the house with the 2 pat's, they are very social to other dogs, but dont no what they think of another housemate. I need advice one 2 things: 1/how do I manage this for the best, to keep them al togheter in the house. 2/ who's helping me to a good lurcher with no bull blood( wel, maybe a litl
  8. I like that racy wheaten! Is he working some quarry?
  9. Belgium is 250 miles away from you, Germany 350, take that boat mate
  10. Good terriers those german jagds. In belgium germany and the rest of europe, they are most used. hard allrounders, fast and clever. If I where you, take a look on the continent, especially Tsjechie and Hungary.
  11. Nail a fox on their front door, with a note: BEWARE! No serious, you can learn from things like that. Always have eyes on your back, trust nobody after dark when your out, and dont let yourself getting scared of such situations. SShit can happend, for everyone. hope you can get yourself en the dog togheter again, and never stop working on the field! greets
  12. Yes the black dogs are popular, but when you have the chance to having a good lakie,... take it. Got pat's for a couple years, had crossbreed lakie's before, and if you ask me, I go for the lakie's, they also have brains, togheter with their skills to kill. make's them good allrounders, something you cant say about pat's.
  13. Give here time, if she's going to ground, thats one problem solved. The next thing is wait untill foxing season to put her slowly to the quarry, untill that time work here on everything, but no rabbits before the fox! I hope your lucky and become a hell of a terrier
  14. HI, i'm targa, love hunting and all what's around, especialy terriers and airgunning, want a lurcher, but the wife divorce me when I come home with one. Hunt maggie's, woodie's and rabbits with the gun(air & 12 bore) Hunt fox, rats, rabbits with the terriers, and also sweep wild boar with them.
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