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Everything posted by FastDogz

  1. Thank you people! Open his box this morning... Jumped up flapping and swquaking hahaha! Hes eaten quite a bit of weetabix and is now sleeping Had to force feed like but when i put my finger to his beak he goes mad pecking me and chirping Just dosnt quite understand open your mouth Oh i hope he pulls through Thanks for all your advice and kind thoughts
  2. Update just been to check little Andy when i pulled back his jumper thats covering him he started calling and throwing his head back (assumed it meant hunger) - Dipped his head into water for a second or so and then held a tablespoon of water in front of him he "pecked" at it and did look to take 2 mini guzzles (might of been imagening but it looked that way) Also hes just had (forcefed ) A tablespoon of weetabix Back in the warmth of his BIG THICK jumper now and newspaper Gunna leave him sleep til 6am hes had a day of it so...steady away like. How much does he need to eat in one
  3. Um ok i ill try this He wont drown will he? I worry about choking him when eating i have just fed him some weetabix very moist and some soaked seed took a bit but then he went drowsy Hes a noisy lil sod
  4. @ Longdog runner - Exactly!!! This is true f*****g wankers walking past him... And yes your right these are the same pople who say hunting is crule Well he is still alive..was flapping just before he went in his box wanting to come back out to me Millet i will re try feeding now the way you discribed I have chewed up the seed after soaking it to make it more mushy but i just dont have the knack of it..Am gunna re try now A cat has definatly had him Millet hence the bloodied and brusied wing..Have salt watered this No necking things @ Blackfell do you mean his WHO
  5. Well he has had a little bit of sloppy weetabix so im hoping he will get moisture from that...hes looking very tired so i dont really want to be forcing him to do things Got loads pics of him
  6. He is sleeping on my lap as i type tucked into my tummy cos its warm like his mum i just want him to leave earth knowing love im a soppy fecker aint i
  7. He's fading...i will be very suprised if he sees tonight out..But hes in his box with blankets and things so if he does pass away he will go warm and loved and not on the roadside
  8. I hope Andy gros up to be able to shag Will a noraml antiseptic spray be ok to put on injured wing?
  9. Just off the fone to my old man (good at rearing birds but too far away to take him) and he said the same Cadders
  10. Ok have been to pets at home...didnt sell mixed corn instead wild bird seed with corn in it..On the sheet it says suitable for collard doves and pidgeons are pretty much the same...But i cant get his mouth open He twists and turns and i feel im gunna break his little neck Has eaten a tiny bit but crop still empty Im crap at this!!! Will keep trying for him Please wish little andy all the luck you can muster! Hes a chippy little fella Pecking and squarking at my hand when i approach :wub: Im in love Hope he dosnt die Just wish there was more experianced hands helping
  11. Now ordering expensive taxi tp pets at home for corn cya when i get back!
  12. Thanks Millet Pet shop is shut now til tomorrow I do hope he'll last over night Cant really keep him as he makes my chest bad (feathers) but f**k that will try my best for him Will phone round a few wildlife hospitals. Sod it am getting a VERY expensive taxi to the nearest pets at home His crop is empty
  13. Hi people was walking dog today and found this little fella besides the road chirping away - He has an inured wing a bit cut looks like fecking cats have had him To me he looks like a young pidgion going by the beak...I cudnt just leave him there to die! Any ideas if he is a pidgeon? Also if so what can he eat? And anyone know of any places i could ring to come for him? Many thanks!!! Please meet Andy :wub: Thanks a lot !
  14. Do you mind NOT posting pics of me all over the t'internet
  15. My old man had one when he was younger didnt take it from nest though it just learnt to come to him for food full fledged one - used to leave the bedroom window open and it would pop in love hear storys about it - He named it Jacky. I went nesting when i was a kid (wrong i know but i was only about 10 and a bit of a tomboy - watched kez too much ) and we took a young Maggie then. My Dad was raving mad with me but we kept it and he reared it well until my Step Mothers cat got him
  16. My Mum saw Ozzy Osbourne sayingt hat she is a big fan of his AT first i saw the long dark hair and thought i was seeing myself Edited to say now i am trying it at daytime it isnt fecking working for me !Maybe it is because i know what to expect? :humm:
  17. I,m sorry but i didnt f*****g like that it put the shits up me big time...sorry no didnt like it Scared!
  18. Horse riding - Although i havnt been near a nag for well over year - Well i have but not out for a proper hack like Am thinking of taking the BHS (British Horse Society) courses
  19. Your quite allright mate Wise man. But it isnt going to happen with Me and Giulian anyways so thats out the window And it was going to be a case of meeting as friends and then taking it from there but..it wont happen now I am quite happy single though
  20. And you are a bit nice too :kiss:
  21. You have mentioned this guy before but to clear it up have you even met him??? Being in another country is a bit of a non starter though to be fair..why not let a good honest dog lad have a crack ??? He is a friend of a friend i havnt met him but spoke many times on the phone and obviously msn ect ect - I was supposed to go there last month with our mutual friend but i ended up not having enough £££££ And she too great delight in showing me the pics of the fun times they had Good honest dog lads - matchin that discription Know any? :whistle: Ian not included Edited
  22. Look for in a bloke : Honesty,stabilty,trust,dark hair,dark eyes,too too tall,not built like a brick shit house Looking for a long term thing and not just a shag :thumbs-up: Prefrebly not in Italy,France or Bi sexual (its a long story).. My ideal bloke my friend in France Giulian but he is foo far away and we both agreed the distance would kill it before it began
  23. :wub: Good luck in finding loving homes for them all hope they turn out nice for you
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