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About pestinpeace

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  1. I know what your saying I'm not profiting!Read my edited post that I've added.i only got them to try.they are unique and seem catch first time,and can't be set off by soil,as they catch in 2 places on the trap.so they save time fitting the trap and catch quicker for people that havn't got the knack with other traps!
  2. Why would that be Mr Wasp?that is cheaper than anyone else has said.i have bought a load for myself,but bought more so I could help other people outa d make my order over £120.00..they charge £15.00 shipping for an order an order under £120.00.so I would save you £15.00 ish on 10 and save the 7 day wait on shipping like I had to.i had 4 out of 5 catch with them today.
  3. Hi all,I stock this trap if you are interested?the podal mini.i used them and they are so good I bought a shipment.the prices you have been showing still has shipping on. With me it just postage!let me know if you want any?
  4. Do a search, there was a thread a week or two ago about these. Perhaps you could ask one of the chaps that actually purchased them how they are getting on with theirs. Basically I think they worked well out to about 150yrds. Had nd5 until a few weeks ago.animals are not supposed to see it so they say.it's a different story though.on the tight beam it scares the xxxx out of foxes.on wider beam it's alright,but then you dont have the distance.the beam has no over spill..its great on fox cubs(but then they know no better yet) and wild boar.but the young pigs seem to notice it. its definetly
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