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About tel12

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 02/09/1981

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    fields or lakes
  • Interests
    ferreting lamping fishing
  1. alright mate id go for the concrete mate ,have you been out on the lamp lately ?
  2. the black 1 is 21 inch and the brindle is just tuching 20 thanks for the comments mate
  3. cheers mate there both doing well , the brindle 1 seemed to work better when ferreting but took her out on the lamp the other night she had a couple of runs got close ,the black 1 is doing well on the lamp shes catching and retrieving live to hand
  4. alright mate i havent got a clue of there lines. i got them off a couple in essex they had the dam there when i got them ,she was working so was the sire but never saw him . ive done some ferreting with them and there both coming on well , seen the lamp a few times the black 1 seems more keen on the lamp at the moment but both doing well
  5. thanks mate there not pedigrees , not to sure what lines there from
  6. cheers mate there doing alright hows your pup doing Yeah he,s doing alright mate,a little bit head strong but he,s coming on ok,you down the weekend?? yer coming down saturday morning ,are you coming ferreting ?
  7. cheers mate there whippets just turned 9 months
  8. cheers mate there doing alright hows your pup doing
  9. [i MG]http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n525/telhyde/DSC00479.jpg[/img]
  10. looks like you had a good night there mate
  11. ive got 2 whippets a month older there coming on fine mate , been ferrting and seen the lamp your have plenty of sport with it
  12. What lamp you using at the moment , if your not happy with that 1 then upgrade from there
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