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About decoy

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 13/07/1969

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  • Location
    The Netherlands

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  1. I hope this is deep enough!! I don't know exactly how deep this was ( befor B&F )it went of the box and MORE THAN 28 FEET! Everything by hand and took us ( 3 people!) 2 days The deeper we got , the harder it became! It was a dig I will never forget!!
  2. :secret: !!!! Just to show that we can deal with a camera !!!!
  3. I jus the Barryvox pulse box and the bellman collar! FAST & ACCURATE !!!!
  4. The best way to get him focused is to try him on badgers they are just right for his inquisitive nature.But dont tell anybody i dont think its legal. YOU JUST DID!!
  5. thats the norm for me only jesting pal. how deep? all shovel work? how long? was it a rescue or a dig to a terrier working? edited to say,that look nice ground to dig,mine is all flint,chalk and clay combined. I don't know exactly how deep this dig was ( before B&F ) It went of the box and more than 28 feet Everything by hand and took us 2 days!! The deeper we got, the harder it became It was a rescue dig to a working terrier! 28ft is a fair deapth on its own a good result and a job well done Thanks!!
  6. thats the norm for me only jesting pal. how deep? all shovel work? how long? was it a rescue or a dig to a terrier working? edited to say,that look nice ground to dig,mine is all flint,chalk and clay combined. I don't know exactly how deep this dig was ( before B&F ) It went of the box and more than 28 feet Everything by hand and took us 2 days!! The deeper we got, the harder it became It was a rescue dig to a working terrier!
  7. Yes I try to have fine AND good dogs! Is that a problem?? I don't think so!! But did you own a dog called "Catch" bred by Rony?? Show us pics of your terriers!!!!
  8. Erik, I don't know what your problem is?? And what about looks don't mean shit?? I prefer a pretty looking good dog than a ugly looking good dog!! Or do you let your dog(s) in the kennel and let them out when it's dark?? By the way did you own a dog called "Catch"?? And how did he looks like?? Patterdale X Staff bred by Rony Cloot So I just put a pic on of a terrier I can buy and yes he is only just 7 mth and if you don't like him its oke for me!! I like him alot! And if you are willing to give this comment : LET US SEE YOUR TERRIERS!!!!
  9. looks good Where you from? Willem Thanks!! From Limburg and you??
  10. Thanks mate! I like him to!! Bred by a member of THL!!!!
  11. Hello , What do you all think of this 7 mnt old terrier??
  12. I don't know but what's the use to breed a POINTER into a TERRIER??? You does't see when he POINTS THE GAME!!!!!!
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