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Everything posted by clabby

  1. if adapted 2 cheepo aa battery fans and have them blowing cold air in to the cages aswell as a slab of grannit and a unbrella. i lernt the hard way once all ready aint planning on loosing my poles
  2. you seem a tad angry it boils my piss there will soon be nout left for us. altho i dont have a dog at the moment but its not the point. bye bye fox hunting bye bye hare coursing whats next fishing? hunting with a air rife? next they will put air rifles on bloody licence just to fund there f*****g home improvments or a f*****g holiday on our exspence.
  3. accupels in .22 have gone from £9 to £13 aa fields are £12.99 i use h&n ftt pellets and there £10 seem as good as any other high end pellet. rws superdones are £9 and bsa intercepters are £5 only because they are shit and dont group
  4. b*****ds all f*****g b*****ds well i gess it will go proper under ground or try to find a loop hole them fat lazy good for nouthing b*****ds in parliment aint got a f*****g idea. just because a few city people get upset over a f*****g over grown bunny getting chaced by a f*****g dog. boils my piss they ban every thing that is tradition because a few people arnt happy well i aint f*****g happy about all these imagrents here but they wonte do f**k all about it and there the problem not a few blokes out coursing a bloody hare grrr
  5. thanks ace thats spot on have made me a hell of a order now stocked up on rings and a few more needles her is a lot cheeper than the place i used to get my stuff from thanks again rich
  6. as above the usual place i used to get my hemp/nylon string from have closed down so is there any good places on the net that sell it at a good price cheers rich
  7. lol thats ok mate your kits looked nice aswell. well i took some rabbit round yesterday to me mates and the kits were ripping into it and they seem prety happy so fingers crossed. if the remaining 3 from my m8s litter die i dont think ill bother going near silvers. i no for a fact that the hob that done the deed on the jills is a super fat lazy shit kinda like its owner
  8. aaa sad to hear that i would of been gutted they were nice looking kits aswell. you done whats was [bANNED TEXT] for them tho i gess
  9. killgerm are good i done a course on handling poisens for rats and bird proofing but as far im aware they dont do acricultural pest control course . wich part of uk are you at? the only acricultal courses i no of are rural somerset, the guild of british mole catchers. google courses in your area
  10. its ok mate hi jack my thread funny enuff these kits are albino silver x the hob was a silver
  11. ok well i got some rabbit thawing out so ill skin it and drop it round his later looking ta the 3 serviving kits they look happy enuff and are drinking ok he has been putting soggy mushed up dog biscuts in there aswell. aslong as these 3 servive i wonte mind because ill have a kit cheers for the help guys this was jsut somthing new to us as we never had that any problems other than me loosing a jill at 6 months for no reason. even at 7 weeks old my kits were active and playful and helphy and the lad i got my ferrets off dint exactly look after his ferrets that well and my mate cleanshis h
  12. so ill get him to do away wid the ham i supose i better give him some of my suply of rabbits i thought the wafer thin stuff would of been better since it would be easyer to tear and eat will the kits be able to tear into a rabbit at 5 weeks? or would it be better to just cut it up into little bits or somthing
  13. yea first time litters they were last years young. the one that killed all her young looks like she had a bit of mastitus coming on so that may of been the cause so he was told. and teh remaining 3 seem to b ok there getting a little bowl of cats milk and some thin sliced ham aswell as milk off the mother. dont no weather thats [bANNED TEXT] to do or not? but thats all we could think off they are eating and drinking the ham and milk tho so i gess thats a good thing
  14. seen the baliff take a dunk in the dorset stour got pushed in buy a guy that was life baiting roach for pike in the middle of november made me chuckle. i lost me rc boat a few weeks back turnt and rolled over was gonna leave it but me mate perswaded me to go get it so i wades out thinking not bad can see the boat and was up to me knees gets about 25ft out looks shallow still thinking nuffin off it then down i went stepped off a blody shelf into 8ft or so of water got me boat back tho
  15. why the hell are u on here go join the wankers on air gun forum

  16. its a tuff call as to what breed/type lurcher you want and its size. generaly for general mooching lamping etc its collies grey hounds whippets and stuff for couring then you talking saluki, borzoi,greyhound crosses ect for a all round rabbiting dog somthing that will be around 23-25inches is ideal but its all personal choice and what you want to do with it. a more exsperienced dog worker/breeder or what ever will be able to give you better info
  17. clabby

    f*****g disgrace

    should of been 4-2 the ref was fooking pathetic and so was his 2 scrotes. rooney played bad all the way threw and what the f**k were tehy thinking puting on hesky. stevie gerrard mite aswell of not played. football is fooked aswell as the country a well had a free piss up so i cant complain
  18. hi a mate of mine was given 2 fine jills the lad that gave em my mate failed to tell him they were pregnent. now me any my mate have had ferrets for a fair few years and for some reason the kits off the 2 jills seem to be dieing prety quick they are now 5 weeks old one of the jills killed her hole litter but cant find a reason for the others dieing off as the jill is real good with them. the hutches have been disinfected and treated and presure washed incase of any infections or what ever. any one no what the problem can be out of the 3 kits left im having one my mates is having one and he re
  19. nice shooting wat cal u using? .243 made a hell of a mess on that dog in the first pic
  20. it could have been a black panther could have been seeka or munkjak dont no if thats how they spelt
  21. any one that wants to say ello ill have a small ferret box on me back on ill be sat on it lol
  22. i had the police around this morning to take a statment they no i gave him a hiding and they dint mention any thing about my SGT or FAC as far they are concerned i acted in self defence. i spoke to my FAO and he said i should not have nout to worry about. i have never been done for any thing or been involed with the police befor.
  23. ill keep a eye out for the dog if i see it ill pop over and say hello i would assume it will be sign posted as the cattistock show was sign posted
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