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Everything posted by clabby

  1. lmfao u lot make me laff. no 3 some she would not get in the bed my missis told her off she is not aloud near the xbox and if you seen it you would shit it as for jeramy kyle id kick that b*****d so hard in the nuts he would need a hoover to suck his love spuds back out from inside him self
  2. You had my sympathy until I read that line! Sounds like something my 7 year old son would say.... I'd be pissed off if someone turned my console off mid game, but FFS... i get quite upset about people coming in and turning the xbox off after i have had a hard day anoys me more when its some fat lazy twat that aint got a f*****g job and they telling me to do some thing constructive its like f**k off get off yer lazy f*****g ass and find a b***%*d f*****g job ya cheep c**t
  3. my missis nows i dont like her and i have told her i made her last boy friend cry for turning my xbox off she is a [bANNED TEXT] tosser trys to tell my missis what to do and how to look after the baby and stuff my missis is to soft next time the fat slag tryes to touch my food ill take a run up and kick the fat bitch as hard as i can in the fanny the yoke is the only bit of the egg i like and she went and took that away from me along with my venison sasage.
  4. my lovly missis cooked me a lovly looking fry up for my tea. he fat slag mate waltses on threw grabs my sasage and dips it in me f*****g egg. i mean who the f**k does she think she is she dint ask or say thaks just helped her f*****g self. it was my f*****g dinner not hers i wanted to brake the f*****g yoke. no wonder she dont have a f*****g boy friend eating there f*****g meals. yet when i told her to f**k off she dint see what the problem was yet the problem was it was mine not hers she on her last chance befor i butcher her for ferret food fat smelly twat... thank you that is all
  5. running lead with a half a macral that has been sliced or a hole roach nick the sides to let the oils out and inject a bit of air in to keep it off the bottom. a few of my mates make up chum mix for pike on still waters bloody stinks but it draws the fish in. its cod oil, sardines, smelt gar fish macraal pilcherds blended in together put it on a bucket and spod it out or in your case throw it out etc.
  6. this has no engraving cant even see any remains of engraving or any thing there no point selling it as i will just have to find a knife thats just as good for what i use it for lol
  7. you still doing that business then mate? yep and i make enuoght to pay the bills and live comfortably. and thats all i wont ... just sick of not doing anything ... i dont think it would hurt to try if u are still on the doal speak to your adviser and ask for info on going self employed. the prices trust are a lil slow to start with they will phone you to arrange a meeting its like a big group meating then you have 1 2 1s you tell em what you want to do etc but make take yer game/bussiness plan etc its no walk in the park doing all the paper work is a compleat he
  8. you still doing that business then mate? yep and i make enuoght to pay the bills and live comfortably.
  9. when i started my own business about a year and a half ago i was on the doal the job centre put me on a course and one of the options was to become self employed so i took it they gave me a allowence of £300 to set up. did a fat lot payed for advertising and a cupple traps. then my business adviser got mt to apply for the price of wales trust so i done that and i had a formal chat with some one and recived a grant for £1500 to kit my self out properly. i think you can only go threw the princes trust if you are under 25. other than that its just bank loans etc you can try take but you have
  10. that may answer why the chap wanted it. but a knife that has been abused as much as mine be really worth 60 quid? not that id be looking to sell it as its a hell of a knife for my needs. thanks for the help tho chaps
  11. cheers guys but is there any thing special about it or any reason why some one would be prety adiment on having it? i cant find any usfull info about the company or the make of the knife all i found out is that wade & butcher made/make shaving razors
  12. hi all the otherday while i was working. i was using the knife in pictures to split a branch, the guy i was doing a job for came up to me and took a shine to my knife and seemed prety upset about me using it the way i was. as aparently its a vintage knife but to me it surves its perpose of a knife. any how the only the markings on it are wade & butcher sheffield england and some sort of halmark. it has what looks to be marble on the end with lether plastic and what looks like brass to form the rest of the handle and all i no is it holds its edge stupidly well the guy i was doing a job
  13. was checking snares one morning walking down the hedge line i was met by a fat arse backing into the hedge pants down at her ancles wernt till i chucked the rabbits up the bank i seen and she shat her self running cross the fiels with her pants down. few years go on the lamp we caught a old cuple at it in the woods they dint pay no attension to us and kept on going and this was gone 3am
  14. well what can you exspect we are out numberd even if we were to fight back we would be none the better. altho we no what foxes and rabbits, rats all that do they dont they aint got a brain cell between em they cant tell there heads from there arses. they should have a lesson on why we do it.
  15. hi what i have is a 1994 (L reg) rover metro 5 door with sun roof.... taxed till october and mot'd till november. its a 1.1 sport done 49,000 miles not long had head gasket done and cambelt (done at 47,000 miles) also had new thermistat and colling system sorted out new lyth pump and plugs some service history its blue tidyish for year only ever 1 2 inch square bit of welding ever done to it for mot. the bad bits.... there are some fairly deep scratches that wonte buff out. the carb needs ajusting so it will run [bANNED TEXT] its just over fueling. there is suface rust o
  16. am back wid the council again now mother told me you phoned but yer mobile just kept ringing out

  17. mate cheers ill be using 8oz nylon and double knotting to eliminate any chance of a knot slipping. well i got 3 1/2 months should be able to have it done easily in time cheers rich
  18. well i have made 100s of purse nets the past few years and i now need another long net so im going to make a 25yrd net when my goodies arrive. how many meshes will it need and how much time does it take to make on average i can make a 3ft6 long net in around a hour if thats any help and help would be good thanks
  19. my mate lost 2 more of his kits last night just the hob left. so im having it over my house tonight when i pick it up
  20. i think elmo should have the job since the england team are a bunch of muppits
  21. that is a hell of a plan ill be game no law saying that you cant
  22. i have herd that people bate rabbits aswell putting out bits of apple and carrot and letus and stuff for a few days then going back a few days later and shooting them.
  23. i no ferrets dont sweat but keeps the tempriture down in the hutches a bit so reduses the risk of heat stroke as there is a constent flow of air
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