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Everything posted by mike1458

  1. Have a slut point you slut!!! lol Mike
  2. I can also add there is no reasonable doubt it is him. I PMed him and he told me he was from South London. What a fool, he could at least gets his story straight. But anyway, lets hope that's the last of him. Mike
  3. Yes they are there to stop drug use and violence in the toilets. But they annoy the hell outta me. I always ask them if they will hold my penis whilst I wee. Mike
  4. Because I confronted Steve Graham and he told me that it's his brother. So its either one of them. Steve blames dave and hunter11 has just PMed me asking how I know its Dave Graham. Plus it's obvious its one of them seeing as the people they have added are davy, steve etc Mike
  5. Killer 11 is the infamous David Graham. Mods please delete this account as he admitted to his brother that he plans to scam again. He said he does not care about anyone on thl. Mike
  6. Oh no doubt I would definitely bum Cheryl Cole, but her whole attitude annoys me. Too high maintenance for me. She might have the looks, but has a shit personality. Mike
  7. Cheryl Cole is a knob. Frankie Boyle is a knob. and thats about it. Oh actually and Chris Evans is a knob!!! Mikw
  8. I quote, "Moley isn't sulking or hiding behind me, but has decided to take a break for the good of this forum". So why was he online today at lunchtime? He is falling foul to his own stalking there. Mike
  9. Can't agree more Rob. It's good to see he has spent time getting that ferret used to him and a good relationship. What an idiot. What was his plans for that machete? Smash the rabbit as it bolted? Idiots hey. Mike
  10. Yes in an ideal world I would like to see both the parents work. Or at least hear from a trusted source if they are any good. Mike
  11. A dog that can do bit off everything rabbit hare deer fox etc etc is a dog that as no price its priceless and should kepted why would you want to sell a dog that can do the lot????? Im not saying I would, what I am saying is if you really had to. And i'm not selling my dog. I have just put this up in relation to the thread about someone selling a lurcher for £1500 Mike If l had to sell it be free to one off my mates but knowing that l get a pup some where down the line 100% agree iceman.
  12. A dog that can do bit off everything rabbit hare deer fox etc etc is a dog that as no price its priceless and should kepted why would you want to sell a dog that can do the lot????? Im not saying I would, what I am saying is if you really had to. And i'm not selling my dog. I have just put this up in relation to the thread about someone selling a lurcher for £1500 Mike
  13. Im just talking about a good all rounder. Bit of ferreting/lamping/coursing etc. Not a top coursing hare dog. I understand that top coursing dogs go for silly money. I personally would just give to a friend. I would not expect a load of money for an all rounder dog. ATB Mike
  14. Just edited some of the prices. Feel free to delete vote and vote again on correct one. Mike
  15. Just curios at how much you would sell your fully working lurcher if you had to give up? Mike
  16. haha Kay. It's like concrete here. So a bit of rain would be splendid. Mike
  17. Im aiming for between 250-350. I have bit of permission but rabbit not abundant around here. Just other stuff is in abundance. ATB Mike
  18. Are you implying you have shot a flying duck with an air rifle rossi_j? ATB Mike
  19. I have received the same response. Bulk email. Nice personal touch from them Mike
  20. This guy has too much time on his hands. Bloody good going though. fairplay to him. I quite like the side by side slingshot. Would be nice to see how accurate it was. ATB Mike
  21. mike1458


    My name is mike and 1458 is my pin number..................... Mike
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