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Everything posted by mike1458

  1. Nice looking dog there mate. Hope she does you proud. ATB Mike
  2. I was in the army and was out in Afghanistan in 2006. That fight is very placid to some that I seen. They do also fight "bull terrier" type dogs which are very fast past like ours. But mainly they fight the big mastiff types. And like the video said, its more of a family feud thing more than anything. ATB Mike
  3. mike1458

    Lorriane Kelly

    I agree. I cant stand the stupid annoying bi*ch!
  4. had fun ferreting this morning

  5. Yes, they would be fine. I got some 4ft nets which I think are 6z. Not so good if you using them in woods or were they get snagged, but they fine on open ground. ATB Mike
  6. I was on the train yesterday and noticed the advert. I spent the rest of the journey ripping all the adverts of all the metro newspapers. ATB Mike
  7. I lost my car keys today and I am regretting it big time now. £185 pounds its costing me and I can't get it done until monday or tuesday when I have the codes of vauxhall. Note to self: KEEP AN EYE ON KEYS!! Just remember lads and lasses, where you put your keys other wise it is very expensive and a royal pain in the a$$ ATB Mike
  8. Seems very dodgy mate. Might be a fake? I was about to message him, but then saw his reputation. I would avoid him and buy only off known members ATB Mike
  9. well, maybe a few times then . But still in good condition ATB Mike
  10. Still got the nets? Are they hemp or spun nylon? ATB Mike
  11. "Jack Russels for Dummies" Part of the "for dummies" range Only read once £7 posted
  12. I am selling "The Patterdale Terrier" book by Sean Frain. Only been read once and was bought brand new. Only want £7 for it posted.
  13. Did they fall of the back of a lorry did they mate? Don't mind if they did just wondering what else you can get ATB Mike
  14. Thats very cheap mate. Why so cheap?
  15. £9 profit on each card. Not very nice now is it. ATB Mike
  16. Love it. That has made me laugh!! :clapper:
  17. How does she know that her ferret is coming into season next week also?
  18. Hopefully if she does get bit, it wont get infected of anything fingers crossed. BUT if she does get bit bad then when you get home clean with warm salt water and keep it clean. If it starts getting infected then thats when you need to get a vet involved. There possible is some medicine you can buy for him off the shelf but I never had my dogs badly bitten so I not sure. ATB mike
  19. Alright mate. I have a lure machine of my own and I am willing to email some pictures through to you. Just abit of advice. do you think that the wood is strong enough. The spook spins bloody fast. ATB Mike
  20. £ is a bargain if it is in excellent condition. Shame that I have just bought one. If your willing to sell collar separately I am interested. ATB mike
  21. Yeah use that cream, but if there is no improvement, then just take her to the vets mate. They will be able to prescribe something maybe a little stronger just to clear up the last few. ATB Mike
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