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Everything posted by mike1458

  1. And there was me worrying when my ferret had 7 ticks on him!! Only one left on him now and that should drop off today as he has just been sprayed this morning. I hate mine having ticks. Makes me feel bad on them as they must hurt!! ATB Mike
  2. Where you from mate? ATB Mike
  3. Where are you? ATB Mike
  4. http://www.oldspotinn.co.uk/ Voted best pub several times
  5. mike1458


    You could be right there Footu. They only seem to chew the hall way walls which are horrible. I think your onto a winner there. And I will try them on some meaty bones. ATB Mike
  6. mike1458


    Thats what i was thinking but milk is not to good for the dogs, But I suppose a little wont hurt them everynow and then? ATB MIke
  7. mike1458


    How do you get a sufficient amount of calcium into your dogs. Mine have carrots which contain calcium and they also have them chew bones etc. But they still insist on trying to chew my plasterboard walls some times. I also give them pedigree milky bones which does the trick. Any other ideas? ATB Mike
  8. Nothing there. I know the shows are on tomorrow but that will be the only exciting thing there. ATB Mike
  9. What a load of . It was bloody terrible there today. Any one agree or disagree? ATB Mike
  10. mike1458


    Cheers guys. I thought it had to be bought online just couldnt find the website. ATB Mike
  11. Just looked down and someone has written about this already. Cheers any way. ATB Mike
  12. I have had my ferrets for 2 years now and I fell that I want to breed from them. A quick query that I have is, I have 2 jills who I think are both in early stages of pregancy (there vulvas have shrunk back down). I am wondering if I can keep the two females together or will they need to be seperated? I feel like they might need seperating, just not sure how territorial etc they will get. ATB Mike
  13. mike1458


    Where can I buy edrd from and how often does it come out? I have looked around for it but can't find it. All help is greatly appreciated. ATB Mike
  14. Are you willing to split? ATB Mike
  15. Yes its really good. Not to be missed if you live down this way mate. ATB Mike
  16. I am going on the saturday. ATB Mike
  17. Been out this morning on some local permission. We brought along 3 lurcher pups(8-10months). one patt terrier and 2 ferrets. Got to the first warren and netted up after the terrier marked. Ferrets down. Couple of minutes went and out bolted our first rabbit. Happy days. Waited around bit longer with nothing happening so moved onto next warren. Next warren and terrier marked and netted up and ferrets down. Out bolted a rabbit out of an unnetted hole. The dogs were off!!! My dog, Dee, was straight onto it. Picked it up and sort of retrieved it. Well chuffed. Next warren and we had anothe
  18. Its all down to personal choice and how the rabbits react. All rabbits will get used to a colour after a while. Once they get shy on one colour, change the filter until you find one that they dont mind. ATB Mike
  19. As soon as mate. The more time they spend with you then the more tame they will be. Also the older they are when the next season starts the better. Don't want they to enter too young. ATB mike
  20. Whose coming to the west country game fair then? I certainly am. Tickets are on there way to me. Anyone entering there lurchers, terriers or ferrers? ATB Mike
  21. Blue skies and no wind here!!! loving it but doubt it will last long. ATB Mike
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