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Everything posted by mike1458

  1. And why is it on the "not ok to kill with dogs" list. Not trying to start an arguement or anything, just curious why people dont run them with dogs. I know there not loads of them about, luckily I live near the Forest of Dean so plenty near me, but just wondered why people dont run them. ATB Mike
  2. Why are people so bothered about how many people are watching. IT IS LEGAL TO KILL BOAR!!! ATB Mike
  3. Just to clarify because some asked earlier in the thread. As far as I can make out it is legal to run wild boar. I found this site and what is says it the method of dispatch is at the discretion of the land owner as long as it does not break any other laws. Hopefully this link works. http://www.britishwildboar.org.uk/control1.html My question is how come all the bull x owners are not running there dogs on boar now we cant run fox etc? ATB Mike
  4. Oh right that sounds good idea. But not sure if it double bulbed. Thanks for the advice mate ATB Mike
  5. Not sure if double or single. What difference does it make? Brighter? And yeah only interested in running rabbits at the moment. Got a few mates who use the lightforce for bigger things. ATB Mike
  6. Hey, I just bought lazerlight lamp off Ian Hodge website. How do people rate them? I have heard good things, just want bit more reassurance. Don't be afraid to be honest if you not a fan of them. ATB Mike
  7. I have never heard this before I thought a mongrel was a dog that had unknow parent or parents. You are also right but I also think that a mongrel is just a cross breed, such a labradoodle is really a mongrel. Just my opinion and understanding of it. ATB Mike
  8. The post about Clint has now been deleted? Someone explain please? ATB Mike
  9. It doesnt matter if it only has 1% sighthound, it is still techically a lurcher and I would still class it as a lurcher. ATB Mike
  10. A lurcher is a crossbreed of a dog that contains at least one sighthound in its ancestory. For it to be classed as a lurcher it must be sighthound x terrier OR herding dog. If it is a sighthound x anything else techically it is a mongrel ATB Mike
  11. I am with you on that one mate. I hate needles. Scare me shitless ATB Mike
  12. Sounds like she has had a phantom pregnancy. If she swells up again then put him across her again. Leave them for a good 2-3 days to ensure that it has happened. Hope this helps ATB Mike
  13. Cheers for that lerk. The lure is running to fast. I want it sitting nicely in fron of there noses. I am sure there is a solution some where, just dont wanna spend a fortune on it. I agree that a switch or something to change the speed is a great idea. Just trying to make it easy and cheap. If I come up with a good design I will let you know. ATB Mike
  14. Hi everyone. I am using a lure machine which is just simply a starter motor etc. I am just wondering what battery to use. I have used batteries designed for lamping but these are not powerful enough and can not get enough runs from then. And I have also used car batteries, and these are way too powerful. They are way to fast for the dog. They hold enough charge. Can anyone recommend a battery that would be better suited, my friend said a leaisure battery would be good. Are they any electricians on here who could tell me what I could use? Apparantly the speed is dictated by the ohms? Any inform
  15. Its now illegal to send air rifles through the post weather from a shop, or personal use. ATB Mike
  16. Mine didnt get on her first night out. But like autospy says, some dogs are different and I am sure your dog will eventually work it out mate. ATB Mike
  17. Hey guys. Thank god its September. Been having itchy feet for the last few weeks. Decided that last week, I would start my ferreting off for the year. So on Sunday, me and my friend, Dave headed over to some local permission. Only problem with this permission is it is a wooded area on a very steep muddy bank. But to be honest, when we got there it was looking quite tame to what I remember it being last season. Any way, with the young lurcher, called magic and my friends staffy called Holly. (Dont worry, she is not a chavvy dog. She is in fact a very steady dog). Any way after the dogs mark
  18. Hi guys, Frampton country fair is on the 12th september. For you that don't know, frampton is in Gloucestershire, right next to junction 13 on the M5. This year is the shows 25th year so its going to be a big one. Plenty of family fun as well as a lot of terrier and lurcher shows for the hardcore huntsman. Excellent day out. Tickets £8 on the door. Well worth coming ATB Mike
  19. I pay £15 for 10kg of alpha ferret food. ATB mike
  20. Small bike wheels or bmx wheels. ATB Mike
  21. Why would legitimate vote that actully counted, let people vove over and over again? Use your brain guys ATB Mike
  22. So Angora ferrets are nota seperate breed of ferret, they are just ones with a lot more fur and you dont always pass that gene on to the kitts? I always thought they was a seperate breed like a black foot ferret. ATB Mike
  23. Simon Whitehead DVD. I got it and all it talks about is how to look after them. You can have it if you want mate. PM me ATB Mike
  24. Hi, I have just recently had to get rid of all my dogs but one and she is really depressed and refuses to drink. She very quiet and I can see that she is down and I play with her as much as I can. She eaten fine and I have put her onto wet food just to get liquid into her and also making it really wet and sloppy for her and she eats that fine but she WONT drink water. I have been syringing water into her mouth, but she puts up a struggle. I have taken the "deyhdration tests" and she is not dehydrated, but worried that she will get there. Any tricks of the trades, apart from the obvious pl
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