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About pmiddy

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  1. Jeff don't give up knocking try the rugby club at redcar also the golf course you will find not only are farmers getting hammered but others are to keep knocking you will get something , also the problem with marske and redcar there is a gamekeeper that does most of it and its not the farmer who you get the shout off hope this helps paul
  2. A good tip to make the n550 work better with any aftermarket ir led ie shop bought laser get a marky light from marky610 off youtube (watch his videos and you will be amazed) paul
  3. I am sure your Deben battery will work as I am using a cheap one off the bay which hooks up with leads I got off there too also running a ir lamp I had made up for the n550 as the laser I got with it was pants which was a np 1000 ( grainy rings on the dvr unit) another cheapo from the bay now I can see further than I am capable of shooting . So all you would need was leads making up and you would be good to go paul
  4. the cartriges i use now are kent velocity 12g plastic wad 6- 32 grams by gamebore ( use to use clear pigeon till we couldnt get anymore also the kent are identical ) cheers.................paul
  5. there'll probably be a good few disagree with this but I virtualy used 1/4 and 1/2 for everything! the only time I changed my chokes was when I was asked out skeet shooting .... Jasper thank you for the quick reply paul
  6. Hi from you regular pigeon shooters . As i am new to this sport just bought a escort magnum semi auto shotgun but it has 5 chokes with it , which one would be the best for shooting pigeons. I am using the usual magnet and decoys ( advice please ) much appreciated cheers...............paul from teeside
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