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About ragwort

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  1. thanks to all the lads who pm,d me and wrote in thank you very much there are good lads out there. No, No dont slip back into the darkness, how will us younger ones look for guidence, thing is im not a bloke but obviously my other half is, we are very lucky to have a few good old timers in our life who always give and offer sound advice, we respect these people very much and I feel so honoured that they are our friends. Ive always been taught that you need to love and nurture your dogs and put as much time as you can into bringing them on, its always worked for us, but if the old timers sli
  2. Dont quite know how I ended up reading this but I did and it proper tickled me, a good woman wouldnt expect her man to give up his troop and the love of his sport, and same for a good man, I feel well lucky I still get to go ferreting and he goes lamping, when he askes nicely I will even make him a few nets and help skin and gutt the larger catches, and anyhow there is alot to be said about the antics that go on in the bedroom after your man comes in during the early hours after a good night with his dogs, I aint complaining and would probably leave if he ever anounced our dogs were going
  3. am i asking a stupid question but why do you starve them once every two weeks, just for a day? A proper good old man I know once told me that if your feeding them a natural diet like nature intended then nature doesnt always catch everyday, I could see his point and he told me it helps clear their system and keep their matabolism working correctly, Ive always trusted him and his judgement and gave it a go. Four years later had my old 14 year old terrier into vets for him look at two lumps on her back, he looked at her teeth and couldnt get over she was 14, he said her teeth were like a 7
  4. Raw meat, bones, veg, egg once a week mixed in with mince, cottage cheese once in a while, rabbit but usually freeze it for a month before feeding it, aparantly helps kill off any eggs or worms that can be passed onto dogs, plenty green tripe, usually get it from dog track, and chicken necks, oh sounds awfull but we do starv them once every two weeks and fish once a week, also found garlic in moderation and rosemary does wonders for their coats and skin. Other than that feed them with loads of time, encouragement and praise.
  5. Bryn, Bryn, Bryn good strong nome, or if not what about Jeff !!!
  6. dont you mean d bonett also nice to see kevin powers looking well [bANNED TEXT] a top little show, proper enjoyed, nice place, good people, yep it lashed it down but it didnt spoil the day, just a bit bewilderd with the lurcher judge heard a few people comment myself included that he didnt even ask what breeding had gone into the dogs, yes it seems petty, but he really didnt seem intrested unlike the dogs who were busy trembling and wanting to go into action as they spied all rabbits in that back field (well most of them). Thanks to all who made this a pleasurable day considering the w
  7. I rekon best thing is to be totally chilled when learning or teaching anything to a young un, im no expert and learn sommert new everytime we go out. With ours from pups ive had em around ferrets from day one, just goin down everyday at feeding and when im handling them, give loads of praise but always be on your gaurd. Most basic training can start in the garden, get the commands right and at a young age they will stick. For me I wouldnt even start working a dog until 12 - 18 months of age, depending on the dog. Another big n for us is getting them stock proof, get them around as much liv
  8. Its a shame you live so far away from us, got good permission, but its mostly shooting, really after getting more ferreting in, hey ho thats how it goes sometimes, good luck to us both getting what we want.
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