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About golemkennels

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  1. I'd like to know what I need for the field when I take my dogs out to help a friend with his RT. I'm in NC, USA. What do you all recommend putting together in the kit to take with us? We've got snakes, sticks, barbed wire, the always possible angry hawk I suppose, heat, briars and stickers, stray dogs, etc. I've got several months to get stuff together. Is there a basic stuff list and a "if I had the money I'd put this special item in" list? Thanks all - THL forum brightens my day. Claire A.
  2. Thanks for the welcome - lots of fantastic info here! Sigh...looks like I'll be attempting my own rabbit warren sometime soon - curse you Hunting Life ( I have enough stuff to do already)! And I have to go slingshot shopping, and, and and....
  3. Thanks! From the Southeast - NC. Feist and coondog territory, with some beagles thrown in.
  4. I don't do any official hunting yet, but would like to get my dogs up to the point where they could on squirrels and rabbits - hard to find someone to work with I think. Right now the pack takes care of the farm - mice, rabbits and the occasional snake removed by the dogs, their main job is livestock organization and management. Been lurking for a while, and I'm really interested in discussions on maintaining prey drive and hunting instinct, as that is important to me as a breeder of a multipurpose breed. At any rate, enjoying the discussions and learning as I go. So please don't laugh.
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