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About SalukiBullGreyhound

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  1. if any of you can remember i posted about the breeding of the dog and said i would post again to let you know how it was commin on so... i dropped a few rabbits for her and she murderd them, shes a perfect striker and is gettin better at turning and followin beam every time shes out.( bearin in mind shes only 7 month now) i took her to stanhope last nyt and she ran well, its the first time shes ran alone on the lamp. she killed 7 and missed 3. she had some bad luck when she retreived her 1st rabbit and dropped it at my feet, the only problem was the rabbit was still alive and bolted f
  2. i have a 6 year old jack russel X border terrier and i was wondering if its too old to have pups?? she has never been pupped before but i would like it to happen as she is a 5 star worker... please give me some advice, cheers.
  3. hello again everyone i have some good news. last night my 6yr old terrier that i have retired from working cought its first rabbit for a year!! i was quite pleased and by lurcher pup is comming on well too!
  4. thanks for the advice every1 i am going to ensure i do it right. after all, patience is a vertue. ill keep postin to let u know how the pup is comming on and hopfully get some pictures on and mayb in a few month, a picture of its 1st rabbit! fingers crossed Thanks!
  5. helllo all i have just purchased my first lurcher, it is a saluki x bull greyhound, 8 weeks old and is bred from outstanding all round working stock... im looking for tips on how to train it for the lamp and coursing, i know the basics like get it to retreve, jump ect.. i was goin to start training it at 8 month. please help and leave tips!! thanks!
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