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About stag1

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    the north east
  • Interests
    lamping with the bull x

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  1. wish the month would pass so this pup cpuld get started

  2. R reg , subaru forester 2 months tax 10 month test ideal dog buss been dogged smells and looks ruff but dose its job £350 no offers in the northeast contact me on 07920704922
  3. A thought this happened last night never took him to court for it need to be quick think your full of sh--e mate talking shit dont think so mate ye do get the odd cock end of a policeman or do ye not get out with the dogs to find out
  4. the car is insured funny c**ts a wudnt drive a cat with out in sure a just dont carry me policy in the car they wudnt lets us produse aswell so dont get funny boys
  5. they try 2 say my driver had no insurence but didnt take him 2 court for it it was all just a scam he must off been board the d,ck
  6. lads a wudnt lie we were in no a field car all insured none of us have got driven offences just what can ye do to the police they do what they want and ye carnt do nothing about it and they no it its costing me £200 pound to get car back 2 morrow a think its cause we drive a subaru it was for no reason
  7. just a routine pull lads had dogs in car thats all and it was in the corbrighe area
  8. had a few pulls up that way they all play a fair game apart fron that c**t last night
  9. this has always been a good lamp spot for me didnt take dogs just car and lamp wanker of a copper
  10. after lamping a few fields at a local spot ave done for years last night in northhumberland some wan,ker of a policemen give us a pull and took the new dog bus and left us miles away from home out in the sticks just watch out boys and girls if yous lamping around that area atb stag
  11. after lamping a few fields at a local spot ave done for years last night in northhumberland some wan,ker of a policemen give us a pull and took the new dog bus and left us miles away from home out in the sticks just watch out boys and girls if yous lamping around that area atb stag
  12. jme85 and how do you no its from down there you dont no me a dont no you you avnt even seen there car am selling so what makes ye think its from yorkshire
  13. hi all aye have a subaru forester 2L. gl .. its an R reg black in colour 4 month tax 12 month test been dodged a hand full of times apart from that my mate was driven it to go and sort the horses out on the farm bit damage to back seat nothing bad tho ,, will make ideal dog buss / hunting moter good engine on it maybe in need of back right wheel baring apart from that good in evrey way 700 ono im in the north east if ye intrested ring me on 07920704922 atb stag
  14. ye right old timmer there is a lot of shit terrier up our way that why am looking on here dont no where to start as am new to diggin I said Rocky1's mate has a nice litter at the minute, I was talking to him this morning and I think there is a bitch going thanks mate al send him a pm do ye no how they bred
  15. thats for comments lads ,, if any one has a number for a good terrier man who has litters / breeder let me no asap atb stag
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