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About Nige69

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 21/03/1968

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  1. Hi - is the 15 ft collar for the mk1? my mate is after one - cheers, nige
  2. I have a wet bulb thermomer which relates directly to humidity at a given temperature. You have water in a channel in the base of the machine. I then adjust the vent - close it slightly to increase and vise versa. If I want to increase humidity more i.e. during last few days I put water in the second channel also. All seems to work OK. They do an automatic control device apparantly?
  3. yep octagon 20 with auto turn cradle for me too! got it off of fleabay a few years ago for about £ or so but brilliant incubator for me - get 24 large fowl eggs in no problem!
  4. Just give them some mixed corn once or twice a week as a treat and any greens or chickweed or dandelion leaves this time of year are good
  5. Hi, yeah I have found that bread does effect egg numbers not sure why other than it hasnt got the necessary nutrients etc in it to promote egg laying - i am able to get slightly stale bread frre from a bakers and so started to give it to my hens and found egg numbers dropping off after about a week -so stopped giving them the bread and stuck with layers pellets and egg numbers came back up. So now they only get an occasional bit of bread as a treat cos they do like it I guess it must fill them up quickly like it does us humans? So I would stear clear if I were you, hope this helps, Nige.
  6. You dont need to lock her in but each evening lift her off the next take her outside and with your arms held out move her quite quickly up and down about 6-8 times. This will get things moving and she will do a smelly big poo usually! She would then normally go for a some food and a drink then return back to the nest a few minutes later. She will settle down after a few days - as a matter of interest what breed is she? Hope this helps
  7. As long as you are aware of the conditions of the general licences and can quote from them when quizzed i.e. mentioning protecting crops or public health AND that you have tried non lethal means already then I do not see a problem. You must do your research before - this is critical to avoid fines/imprisonment etc and also to keep shooting away from bad publicity!
  8. If you take a look at the following link this should answer your questions - this can be found through the BASC website under general licences. Other general licences are also listed. http://www.naturalengland.org.uk/Images/WM...7_tcm6-7671.pdf
  9. I am having the same thoughts at the mo changing my Simmons WTC to a MTC Viper on my HMR following a post on here recently - most comments seem really positive?
  10. Now drastically reduced price to £600 - anyone interested now?
  11. Use peanut butter on your conventional traps - they usually find it irresistable
  12. I'm sure you will find it on a torrent web site - type 'autocad 2007 torrent' into google.
  13. I'm thinking I am gonna have to sell this to help fund my 308 or 243, not decided which cal yet. Also need space in the cabinet! Rarely used nowadays since getting my open FAC - only the odd rat. Anyway would like to sell the complete setup comprising:- Theoben Rapid Mk1 FAC in .20 calibre - had a regulator fitted as well as a service by Ben Taylor about 18 months ago - set at the recommended 26ft/lbs on his chrono. Vortex silencer. Simmons Whitetail Classic 3.5-10x50 scope and mounts Bisley leather sling Spare magazine 12 shot Spare buddy bottle Loads of pellets 200 bar 12ltr d
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