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Everything posted by iamdrglass

  1. That is the impression that I have gotten. Here in the states Trout and Bass are the prized species. Carp are starting to catch on with the fly fishing crowd. I personally go after them with fly rod and now getting into the spinning rods. I am past the point of wack and stack with my bow, but I still enjoy hunting the BIG ONES. I do believe it will be a up hill battle get carp listed as a game fish here. They are considered a invasive species in most waters. When I catch on rod and reel I release. When I shoot I put them under the vegi garden. This year I will try smoking them
  2. Thanks for the replies. I do like those slingbow designs. They would be handy for shooting fish when they are way shallow. I know it is looked down upon over there but we do a lot of bowfishing for carp here. It is away to help manage our trout and bass fisheries. I enjoy it but also enjoy hooking the carp on rod and reel. I have been reading a lot about the Euro style of carp fishing and will be doing plenty this year. When I will post a photo of my fishing catty when it is built.
  3. Can some one please post a picture of your fishing catty pouch. Also what materials are you using for the pouches. They are not common here in my area due to the fact that chumming is illegal. I am wanting to build one for a novelty item for my collection.
  4. It has been quite awhile since I have gotten out. Well I have no photos of the day just great memories with 2 of my 4 sons. We were out doing some fishing and decided we better throw the cattys in with us. Well fishing was great but catching was slow. As we were driving the gravel roads looking for a different location to try and hook a carp I decided to stop and pick a bunch of stones of the road for some target ammo. Well after filling a small coffee can full of pebbles it was back to driving the dirt roads. Unfortunately there is way to many rednecks that think it is just fine to through be
  5. I do tend to agree. His natys are some of the finest.....I do belive though naturals are all ready made, it just takes takes the artist to see and to bring out the true lines.
  6. You do some fine work longers. Do you ever ship to the States? If so how much in dollars?......I am in the process of moving so all my catty building is on hold until I get my new work shop set up. I have some naturals and some wood from a cherry tree that is drying. I have high hopes for some of that cherry wood once I get settled in. PM me if need be Thanks Dan
  7. Thank you all for clearing that up for me. I like the rifle rest idea. I use something similar for my self for a rest. I just need to build me a fancy one.
  8. Hello all, I have been looking at all of these sticks that you all are making. There is some very fine craftsman ship. Since I am from over across the pond I am not familiar with some of your terminology. What is the purpose of the sticks? Are they used for just walking like our " canes " here in the US or are they a self defense weapon ? Looks like a good time building them. Thanks Dan
  9. Longers7 what do you use for the liners in the tube holes? How do you flare them or are they counter sunk and polished? Thanks Dan
  10. IMHOP. Bill Hays, for consistent accuracy PFSHOOTER for quickdraw speed and aerial shots STCLAIRECOUNTY for hunting videos...he needs to get a better camera and narrate some. I also like all of Gamekeeper Johns videos. There is a news clip of Rufus Hussey that is well done. I spend to much time on YT watching videos and I am sure there are many more that I have not seen. But these guys all have multiple videos of quality verified shots.
  11. Nothing better than getting out with the kids. I know I have more fun if I have MY hunting buddies along.
  12. Nice job, so it done with no power tools? Nice build up.
  13. My suggestion is to just buy one. Once you start building your whole house will be covered with forks and you will not be able to drive buy a tree or pass a thrift shop without seeing a future catty..... All kidding aside if you use plywood use the multi plex Baltic Birch with multiple layers ( not the cheap stuff) It will save you money in the long run. I built my first ones out of multiplex and love them, But I am now addicted to natural forks/natural board cuts.
  14. No I didn't lol. he was laying flat on the branch and it was tough to get a good clear shot at him. My sons catty didn't have enough band to spook him my direction so I had to bounce them off the limb next to it..... That was my first real chance as a adult with a catty.....I am hooked.
  15. I was walkin the tracks out here and today and had my chance at a bushy tail. It one lol. Nice shootin at the black pigeon ( now I don't feel so bad )
  16. Here is my apple fork that I built over Christmas. I didn't take a picture before the initial file work. It was sanded to 400grit and finished with tung oil.
  17. Just starting out and practicing ALOT LOL. I figure the way the starlings bunch together that will increase my odds lol. I don't have to many legal options here in town. So I will just practice on the starlings. I figure if I can get to where I can get those a pigeon or rabbit will be a slam dunk lol.
  18. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elaeagnus_angustifolia .338WM This is what I used.
  19. I don't now if you can own bullet molds over there but you can buy them very reasonable online. I have been playing with 158grn .358 mold about 9mm. I don't know what grains translates into metric. But they have been more devastating on aluminum cans than my .44cal/ about 10mm lead balls they should weigh about 130 grains. Look up midwayusa.com under lead bullet casting LEE products. Mine is a 358RNF
  20. There is a YT video on how to make the wood mold. I don't remember but I thing it was Charles Morgan but not sure. I would tend to lean more towards that method over sand. Part of me likes the sand idea because I THINK (but don't now) that it would release easier than wood. If you try the sand method BE DAMN careful that you don't have water in it. Water and molten lead is a very BAD thing. just use some common sense and proper safety precautions and you will be fine.
  21. I built this one Sunday during the Super Bowl. I banded it up today with 2.5 cm straight cut TBG and shot it. It has some potential. I am planning to get out this week end after some starlings.
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