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mighty celt

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Everything posted by mighty celt

  1. Beagle parson 3 years old Springer 11 months Tekel border lakeland russell 10 months Springer cocker beagle russell 6 months old Cant wat for the season should have some fun.
  2. Cracking looking cocker that trev does it bark on rabbit.
  3. cheers for reply foxpack. have a pup coming 2morow similar breed sire springer /cocker/beagle dam beagle/russell 2 very good dogs. so hopefully pup will make the grade
  4. No i just noticed your young dog was beagle cocker beagle russell was just curious to why you went that way with the breeding.or was it just a case of breeding the best two ye have no matter the cross.cheers
  5. why you adding the russell to the mix foxpack trying to improve them,or just breeding best to best.
  6. You can use them live or dead.i salt them and freeze them so i can keep them good till i use them.there just a small fish you can find them in nearly ever river and lake over here the trout love them.
  7. caught it on minnow bud just as it was getting dark. cheers lads.
  8. it was from the moment i struck him,yeah bud when he wanted to go i had to let him could not do much with him for the first 6 or 7 mins my tension was just right so when he wanted to go he could, it was great sport i have to say,cant wait for my next trip.
  9. had some job landing him with no net.he wouldnt give up which made it all the better.
  10. Cheers bud was buzzin.thats my best bu far i thought it was heavier but my brother had scales with him.fish was put back for another day.
  11. Nice 5lb brownie last night.on 2lb line and light rod and reel.great sport.feel free to add pics of your best wild brown trout.
  12. . How's that bitch bred looks a nice animal mate she collie/grey bull/grey
  13. she looked a decent bitch pitty there was no clips of her running single.
  14. have you a phone number for him bud im not on facebook.
  15. Thats bad form that. Cheers for the offer foxdigger.
  16. Cheers for the offer bud il keep it in mind.i no its hard to find a decent 1 i have all summer to look so im in no rush.my pal has a handy teagle bitch was thinking of putting a full springer over her il let him no of your offer sound out.
  17. great news that thanks for sharing.
  18. was talking to him about it bud,its a dog i only keep bitches cheers,thanks for the heads up anyway.
  19. right lads im looking for a barking springer cocker sprocker even a spaniel/terrier to bush foxes and rabbits to my lurcher,dont use guns so dont mind if gun shy,im in cork city but will travel for the right bitch,would like to see her work first,if you have 1,or no of 1 for sale pm me. cheers chris.
  20. im looking for a barking springer cocker or sprocker even a spaniel/terrier bitch. it will be used for bushing foxes and rabbits to my lurcher, dont use guns so if its gun shy wouldnt bother me 1 bit.would like to see bitch work first,im in cork city will travel for the right bitch if you have 1,or no of 1 for sale drop me a pm pls. thanks for looking chris.
  21. they can get ballsy when there used to humans and lose they fear of dogs from facing pet dogs and cats off,thats why they will sit there that little bit longer and it will be there undoing.
  22. my dads two jack russells got me the bug when i was about 9 used to walk them up the fields behind my school which held a good number of rabbits the odd fox and some feral cats il never forget the first good hunt they got of a fox in a big bramble patch the buzz and adrenaline rush i got from that had me hooked,started to venture further in the country from then looking for more game,bumped in to like minded kids in the country who are still friends and hunting partners.
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