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About rab123

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  1. well I got my sgc today yee ha already got a shot gun from a friend 12g o/u very light gun hes fired about 100 shots through it gave me a cleaning kit and belt to go with the gun so im well pleased cant wait to get out with it
  2. well interview went well really nice policewoman checked my cabinet all fine she is going to phone my referees next so all going well wont be long now
  3. well after the advice on this forum i gave them a phone call last week then again today and you know what just got a call saying they could come tomorrow at 3pm to interview me hope all goes well any advice would be great lads cheers ie how long does the interview last im abit nervous
  4. 6 weeks this wednesday still not herd anything come on fife police get ur finger out lol
  5. cheers for the replies hopefully not much longer i would love to get it before keepers day
  6. i sent away for my sgc 5 weeks ago just wondering what sort off time did you guys wait in scotland thanks
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