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About Shocks

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  1. I just tried shooting is this afternoon / evening. Its a right b*****d. The best field has a cycle path on one side and the dual carriage way on the other. I saw 15 rabbits but barely took a shot. As the rabbits stay on the boundary there is a small chance that my round would end up wrong side of the fence. With all the cyclists and walkers I'd have a hard time convincing a non shooting person it was safe. I think the only way to shoot it will be to lamp it. `no one will be around and the rabbits wont hug the boundary fences so much. Gutted as this is my first permission.
  2. I have a moderator on my .22 and was planning to use it. Why might there be a problem? Thanks for the other comments and links
  3. I would like some advice from the more experienced of you. I just got myself a new permission here in Devon for vermin. Its a great 300 acres 5 mins from home. The farm borders the Dartmoor national park. I plan to go for mostly rabbits with a moderated 22. My FAC is closed and I checked with D&C firearms team and the land has been cleared for centerfire so my Rimy or HMR if I need wont be a problem. The issue as I see it is there is an enormous dual carriage way running through it and a couple of footpaths. Apart from the extra caution to ensure I'm not shooting across or towards th
  4. Just a quick note to say hi! I'm from Devon, I have my ticket for .22 and have a nice annie 1417 carbine which is currently punching paper at a local club. I'm hopefully sorting out some permissions for bunnies, foxes etc. I also got taken on my first Deer stalk recently. An amazing experience. They guy I was with took a "knobler" is it? A two year old Red stag from 165 yards. it was a difficult approach as there was minimal cover for us. I wasn't sure about how I would react to it but the guy I was with is a pro. The gralloching was a bit gruesome though! I will definitely be going out a
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