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Everything posted by happyploughman

  1. nice shot, did well to get to 15yds.
  2. He looks good now with his haircut. Mine had a coat just like that and loved it when I trimmed her. I used to use mine with my Russell to ferret.
  3. hello Ramsy-enjoy the site, lots of people will help you here
  4. Agree with you molly cant imagine that. Good luck to you turk. Having dog taken away would be devastating and like a bareavement in the family.
  5. Seen more mixi my way than usual for spring usually get a lot more harvest time, but I know each year varies a lot in diff areas. People still spreading the ill rabbits about. A horrible death and a waste of good food.
  6. I usually catch them with the normal breakback traps. I tie a small piece of cooked bacon to trap and it usually catches same night.
  7. Oh bad luck trappa. Swines had mine broken into, because I had locked it they smashed pannels off the side they saw there was nothing worth nicking. I now dont lock but means I can only store old tools in there. Wished I knew when they were coming so I could sit inside and give them a little surprise.
  8. Enjoyed your pics thanks for sharing. A nice team.
  9. Well done mate. The hunting instinct is very strong in us, and understand your sentiments entirely.
  10. Welcome Tobias, hope the rain stops and you both get out this evening
  11. hello possumhunter welcome to the site hope you enjoy it as much as I have
  12. Good to se you Tracy am sure you will enjoy the site
  13. Well done Dan, nice morning for it. Nice to christen a new gun.
  14. Cheers everyone. a lot to take into consideration. Nice to see how you all have diff methods. Need to get some experience and see what happens.
  15. Some sound advice thanks to all of you for that . This is a great help. I had put the word out about needing somewhere to shoot and tonight I someone has given me permission to go lamping so I will be able to put all your good advice into practice.
  16. nice pics ad, nice and sharp on auto. Its surprising how many hunters make good photographers. Same skills are used in lots of ways.
  17. I just did the ones i posted in Picasa its focal black & white you move the pointer till you get the bit you want in colour & you can alter the size of the area You can do it in photobucket as well but its a bit more fiddley & thats better if your doing say holly berrys as there round & so is the tool you use Oh ok thanks didn't know about picasa, sounds good, will have a look at that. Its basically what i load pictures into off the camera & theres a few things on there you can use to crop , sharpen etc , basic stuff like that Just downloaded it now and
  18. I just did the ones i posted in Picasa its focal black & white you move the pointer till you get the bit you want in colour & you can alter the size of the area You can do it in photobucket as well but its a bit more fiddley & thats better if your doing say holly berrys as there round & so is the tool you use Oh ok thanks didn't know about picasa, sounds good, will have a look at that.
  19. A hard time for for dytkos. Good luck to you with whatever you decide to do
  20. like them Kay, makes the sun really stand out. How are you adding colour to the black and white-on the camera or on some software??
  21. Nice one David, good fun. Plenty of good meals too.
  22. Good start mate well done. You well and truely hooked now
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