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About happyploughman

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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    pigeon shooting, air gunning for rabbits, ferreting. Allotment and garden. watching wildlife and anything to do with the country.
  1. don't see a lot of them here, most land cultivated and no seeds for them. These were feeding on a bit land someone left to nature, pity not a bit more of it here.
  2. thanks Dime, nice to know what i am taking pics of
  3. Yes I did-thank you, grey cells on the decline
  4. Out yesterday, this blue tit looks very new to the world, and the goldfinch is one of my favourites,
  5. Did go and try to see any dragon fly, but just loads and loads of the same damsel fly. Would have thought dragons would have been in the same habitat
  6. ok thanks martin, seems to be very common here haha with not much else about.
  7. look forward to seeing that, will look by the lake in the morning see what's about there.
  8. <br><br>Yes thats a damsel fly have you seen the red ones ?<br><br><br> no I havn't seen those, there seems to be hundreds of these about at the moment, at first i thought they were carrying straw, then realized they were carrying a female prior to mating.<br>
  9. Don't know much about Damselflies and dragonflies. Is it right that Damsels usually rest with wings alongside body and Dragons with wings out?? Can anyone tell me what this is please.
  10. great pics, i would think the last one is a male banded demoiselle haha
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