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About asemery

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  1. This net is based on cod nets once used in the Northwest US by Native Americans. Since I don't fish I will use it for storage of some sort. Tony The wood is a fast growing weed tree (I believe sumac) that I debarked and bent without steaming. The frame is 12" x 8". I made the net from linen twine, 20" deep. I got the idea from this Google (free) book. http://books.google.com/books?id=fudyXm4KMpQC&printsec=frontcover&dq=indian+fishing&hl=en&ei=FTdbTKf1H8P88Aa52526Ag&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CDEQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false go t
  2. 5 page step by step directions for making a cast net. Tony make a cast net
  3. 30 years or so ago I met a crab net maker in Maryland. He used a jig just like the gentleman in this video. THe video shows the making of a crab dip net. The making of the jig is shown in part 4. It is interesting that people have come up with different ways of making a net. It would not be practical to make a hammock using such a device. However for the net shown it is an ideal method. His explanation making of the sheet bend is clear. The knot used to go from one level to the next is nice. The method used to attach the net to the frame can be used with fishing nets as well
  4. Here is a link to repairing nets. Tony Net Repair
  5. The "Nets and Net Making" forum is not designed with ferreting in mind. It is for novice and experienced net makers to share knowledge. If you look carefully you will find one link to purse net making. NFWS There are also many links to net making instructions for novices who might be confused by just one approach to the craft. Many of the instructions show how to make square netting. Please take the time to explore the entire forum. Tony
  6. I am involved with the "Nets and Net Making" forum at http://pineapple.myfunforum.org/index.php?c=7 There are several links to net making instructions including one wrtitten by me. You might be interested in this link to increase your net making speed http://pineapple.myfunforum.org/about467.html hints for beginning net makers http://pineapple.myfunforum.org/about466.html Just below the net making section click on "Knotical Resources" for sources of net making supplies including some in UK. Tony
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