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Everything posted by StuC

  1. And todays quarry. I took the doe first, then 60 seconds later the buck, both at 90 yards. My friend and I grolloched (sp) one each and headed back out to the ride to wait again. As soon as my friend looked down the ride there was a pheasant with a fox behind it just waiting to attack it, my friend took the fox with a cracking shot. The pheasant didn't hang around to say thanks!!
  2. Thanks Guys, there are 2 less out there now! Went stalking this morning and took 2, my mate saved a pheasants life by shooting the fox that was about to eat it! Was good to get out into the woods this morning a see and hear them 'back to life'. It had all been a bit quiet since the pheasant shoots. It seems to have recovered now, which is a good sign. Only one minor scope eye issue this morning They say you only do it once. well this is the second time i've done it!!! About 10 years ago on a military sniper rifle and then this morning, balls
  3. Thanks Guys, will be keeping it up at about 0400 next Tuesday! As far as meat damage goes, the front ribs around the exit hole were shattered. There was some bruising on the neck and the front shoulders. A bit of 'delicate butchery' to remove the bruising and the meat was fine. The only meat I lost was the ribs, and as I won't be BBQ'ing in the near future I'm not too fussed All the best Stu
  4. Its a Parker Hale .270. Bit of an overkill I know. Not sure on scope. The rifle belongs to my friend who accompanies me whilst stalking. I'll check on scope. It does seem to 'fit'me very nicely. Although he did spend a few quid having it restored so I don't think he'll sell it! Stu
  5. Well first deer ever to be honest. Nice early morning stalk a few weeks ago and I took my first deer. Spent an hour stalking the perimeter of the wood, then sat in a ditch for half an hour. Just as my friend and I were about to get up and go into the woods, the deer walked out and presented itself perfectly about 100 yds up a ride. It knew we were there but couldn't see us, I had a good amount of time to ensure my sights were on target before squeezing the trigger. Nice clean shot and she fell straight down. It was hung for 3 days before being butchered and a lovely haunch in
  6. Hi all Have stumbled across your forums and subsequently joined. I live in rural Northamptonshire and am very interested in hunting. I'm ex military so not unfamiliar to a range of firearms, civilian firearms/shooting have never appealed until recently. A colleague of mine has been deer stalking (amongst other disicplines) for many years and offered to take me along. 2 early morning stalks later and 1 good size muntjac doe later I am hooked. The whole experience was incredible. I am in the process of applying for my FAC, I have decided to attend a firearms awareness course fir
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