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cookie 2

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Everything posted by cookie 2

  1. most of the places are lit up round my way with the new street lights and factorys
  2. i a now what you mean i work in a slaughter house and the bulls try to hump each other so do the pigs i had a german sheperd a few years ago and that used to try it on with other dogs as well
  3. ill be stoping when the grass gets up nights are gan to be light in a few weeks any way just be out walking in the sun hopefully then al start him on the bike in august ido like whatching him jump through the corn hunting up not catching though just like to see him work
  4. wont feck it up where i live ,its part and parcel of the way of life here .hunting with dogs that is . i cant walk up my town with out being asked for a certain type of meat . where do you live cause i'm moving lol and as for the papers what a load of shit. animal on to animal has been going on before any one was born best way to hunt imo!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. i know what you mean mate iv'e got a saluki x at 26 itts hes 13 month and cant turn its proper frustrating coming back with f**k all but im just gan to keep going iv'e give him a break but that hasn't worked im off out to night
  6. whats wrong with council estates like we cant all buy our houses you stuck up c**t
  7. av just had my little lassie out she loves coming buy she just dosnt shut up mate lol shes only 6 so theres time for her yet
  8. nice one lads cheers for the replies
  9. hello ive just got my first ferret last week and its a jill and ive heard you have to mate them or they die is this true or just a myth cheers
  10. thats class that mate ive just got my first ferret and new to the trade
  11. whats the dog called from dinnington i from over that way
  12. its a dog mate i hes working works the lamp adnd he hunts up through the day i have got pictures but there to big i dont know how to get them on
  13. hello i've got a 13 month old whippet x i took it in for my mate but i just hav'nt got time or enough work for two dogs he just needs bringing on good homes only.just send a message for details cheers.the dogs gone now
  14. he's 11 month mate iv'e got more pictures but i dont no how to get them on cause there to big he's about 26 itts if any one can tell is how to put the pics on i'll put them up cheers
  15. theres mine he's about 5 month then.what do yous think he's got in him just cause the lad just went through the list of dogs its my first lurcher as well i thought he looked the best one so i picked him.and can any one help got more recent pic just cant get them i'm totally s##t with computers
  16. that brown one looks like my dogs twin hows it bred because the lad who i got the pup off just went through the list of dogs atb SALUKI X COLLIE X GREY WERES THE LAD LIVE WHO U HAD URS OFF ? trimdon station mate over county durham all try and get a photo put on not very good with computers lol
  17. that brown one looks like my dogs twin hows it bred because the lad who i got the pup off just went through the list of dogs atb
  18. i it was realy bad up here great for my pup in the end of summer but some feilds have got nowt there now
  19. sorry but i dont understand are you saying treat your dog like s##t dont feed it keep it on on chain it it will work harder !!!!what the f##k
  20. im glad they div'nt come in that size at my work lol!!!
  21. i've ended up taking in a whippet x i got it for my mate but he had it a week but it was chewing his flat up this dog has been past around a few times and was a bit skinny full of worms and fleas .i fed them last night even when he was full he was eating my other dogs s##t as it was coming out .He's also had a few fights over food because he normally finishes first then sometimes goes over to my other dog growls and trys to eat his food and starts fighting at first my pup was scared but now hes started to fight back then the other night i took them lamping and the whippet was snatching the r
  22. was he out when you caught them mate ? i took my little lassie out and she loved it when the dog caught a rabbit .
  23. hows she coming on i took my pup out last nite he got 1 rabbit hes had a couple more hes 10 month now let me now how you get on
  24. nice one mate well done it a pity we can just retrive them over here lol
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