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cookie 2

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Everything posted by cookie 2

  1. my little lassie had been wanting to go out lamping for a while so with it getting darker a bit earlier now i took her over the road for an hour . my little bitch had three runs off the belt missed the first two she seemed two get lost when she spun round and didn't know were the rabbit had gone i could see another in the other corner so i sent her on her way she caught it and brought it straight back to me and skye .Then it was diesels run my bull x put the lamp on and there was two rabbits not far form the edge so i slipped him and off he went and he didnt miss all i seen was him going str
  2. is the easter house area not a rough part of glasgow and there spending f*****g thousands on night vision and worried about a few deer geting killed i think am going to stop watching it what a waste of our tax and they go on about people on the dole there just making jobs out of jobs
  3. jackanory has'nt got a lookin ffs
  4. i never bullshit i f*****g hate listening to it it just pisses you off when you know people are talking shit the sort of people where if you asked them the time you,ed still have to look at your watch. and as for the dogs if me dog dosn't catch out then i dont make it up or exsagerate
  5. sorry to hear about your dog mate same thing happened too me in january an hour after work and i had know dog he was a belter ,but i went and got a pup and shes coming on good got and i've got a good bond with her lifes to short mate nee point in looking back you'll always rember her on wards and upwards atb.
  6. that happened to me the other nite my nephews dog was standing over a clamper so i says walk over and show him dog keeps looking around and the bunnie gets up and fucks off i think its funny sometimes my old dog used to do it aswell but it can be fustrating
  7. for a few weeks my pup was the other way round i took her out lamping with my other dog and she would hold back but was more keen by her self . on the weekend she was out with a few different dogs and she was allright i think you get a good bond when you do plenty one on one .
  8. i think the kennels are f*****g excellent mate .
  9. thats some ganin we would be lucky to see that many in a week
  10. i go at that time when im at work through the week mate but i like a proper session on the weekend nowt better than getin in when the birds are singing
  11. i hope my little bitch shocks me this year i was hoping she'ed grow bigger but shes only 21" time will tell .
  12. she looked a belter aswell mate sorry for the bad news r.i.p jodie
  13. sounds exactly the same as mine mate spot on when out walking dose yours seem more keen whilst out on the lamp aswell like mate
  14. is your half x heavy mate or racy? what they like on long runs and which would you say was the best .
  15. has any one got any tips i take my little bitch out through the day and shes bang on for the rabbits i take her out lamping and she just seems to hold back a bit and i know she can do it
  16. i thats what i do mate keep them in till we go hunting keeps them keen i think mate if it was us going in for a race we wouldnt run in the morning thats just my opinion
  17. im off oot tonite and have been for the past few weeks not realy catching out though just the odd rabbit but ive got a pup to bring on and a bull cross thats 2 in september and hes only caught a couple of rabbits i prefer the cold though cant wait
  18. Yes mate they run all night long without a shadow of a doubt and surprisingly they recover very quick aswell. I dont use mine on the lamp as we use the racy bulls for lamping and when they kick off she is absolutely shit scared of them. They remind me alot on the lamp of a good collie grey! but the only thing is they seem to be very sensitive dogs (my mrs thinks its a woman thing )but I know for 2 other dogs 1 in the past when I was younger and they all seemed to be sensitive but apart from that these dogs move it takes them a while to learn to run tight as they tend to go wide but they d
  19. can your whippet greys run all night or do they slow down and do they do well on long runs or seem to catch quick just asking cause i realy like the sound of this type of running dog thats my favorate thing is speed nowt better i think they would soot my area mainly small feilds with a few bigins and what are they like in the cold cheers.
  20. it just the world we live in today theres allways some one not happy and against hunting people forget were we come from i'm just a peasant and i'll carry on what im doing lol seems sound round my way anyway been pulled a couple of times i tell them im after rabbits and there sound i think its cause the've got f**k all to do in some places
  21. ive had a couple of nights out but i took my bull x out last week and he was proper f****d with the heat so i think it'll just be me little saluki bitch tonite cant wait till the cold nights im looking forward to it plus its only dark for about 2 hours
  22. wor lass is spot on she pretends she dosnt like the dogs but i think a tiny bit of her dose never realy moans just the odd "IF IT WAS FOR THE DOGS IT WOULD BE DIFFERENT " BUT THATS LIFE eh she never complains when im out for long. but likes to take the piss if you come back with nowt and calls me dogs shit lol i just wish the kids would come out more i've got 2 lassies and baby on the way in november.she no's the dogs make me happy
  23. sounds like a good dog mate i took a bull x in that hasnt done nowt and needed bringing on and hes realy keen now hope it all tunrs out good
  24. take it home and eat it next day accidentally shoot some more lol its to good to throw away if you get pulled tell them whats happened
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