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Everything posted by LordGamebore

  1. I know he's shooting at an angle, but they still look like body shots due to the corvids reaction.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/user/sportingscene#p/u/32/gL9GxPRAEKA Nearly all of his shots were aimed at the body or chest, even though clean headshots were. Should go for the head really. Anyway, does anyone know where I can buy this DVD. It looks pretty good.
  3. do the lurchers make the kill when they catch the rabbit or do you need to neck em? cheers
  4. I'm not voting Tory/Labour or Liberal.
  5. http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/article-23809247-bnp-wants-election-violence-but-we-will-stop-them-says-minister.do As if we'd take anything Phil Woolas, or Labour says seriously. So much for democracy, eh?
  6. I used to always help the farmers out with their rabbit problem. I always did it at night so I didn't dusturb them LOL
  7. I came across a John Darling DVD. It was that simple. I'd been shooting shotguns since a kid though.
  8. Can anyone remember the late, great James Douglass. I got video of his that I've had since I was about 11. It's really good actually - I just wish I'd brought the complete set. He died in an Archery acciden if I recall correctly. Great airgun hunter and bowhunter.
  9. I have a few rabbit infested fields and I need to do some serious lamping. I've mainly used shotguns and air rifles for this before, but I reckon need a rimfire now. I've shot .22lr in the past but not 17HMR. What caliber should I gor for?
  10. I think a licence for air rifles would be a good thing. I think it should be the same as a shotgun certificate, where you can buy as many guns as you like and can use them where you have premission.Doing this would stop criminals and idiots getting hold of airguns, plus I think licence holders should be allowed up to 30ftlb's of power. It makes sense doesn't it!? A licnence that isn't too hard to get providing you're not a violent criminal, and will allow resposnible people to own and use more powerfull airguns. So basically idiots won't be allowed any airgun, at all!, but more powerfull g
  11. i shoot most quarry within 25 yards so flat heads seem to be ok for this. i don't need the extra range at the moment. not for .22 anyway. What did john darling say about flat heads?
  12. Anyone use wadcutters for hunting. they pack a good punch. the rws hobby pelelt fly pretty straigh aswell for .22. ATB
  13. Hello mate. I assume your talking about the one directly behind the trigger? I noticed today mine had slowly crawled undone itself when I cocked the gun and it fired when I closed it because of the serious sensitivity of the trigger.. I think for a few quid your gun smith will order the part from Weihrauch no problem. When I originally got my gun I didnt check the side stock screws and one came out after a few weeks which was weir, I went to the shop and it was there in a week from Weihrauch for a small fee, like 5 quid literally... You wont have to get a whole trigger unit mate I'm
  14. I've lost the screw for the HW rekord trigger unit. Is there anywhere I can buy a new one or do I have to buy a whole new unit? Cheers
  15. How did she know it was a rifle if it was in the slip? How old was the girl?
  16. Is it true that if I zero my .22 at 20 yards I won't ever need to hold under, just hold over? I keep all my .22 shooting within 30yards anyway. Thanks
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