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Everything posted by moonshine

  1. youve invested £2000 its a business so what 99% of websites are in some way or another you won't stop puppy peddleing no matter what you do and they will advertise on your site .But they advertise everywhere on a up turn it could be a good thing for new people who are looking to getinto hunting and want some where to turn to have a look at what is on offer . it may be a good thing to have some sort of feed back thing for people to leave after they have viewed there pup and its parents that way the policeing of the pups is done for you if there not in as good state or are a massive kennels
  2. that is a nice box mate cheap as well wish you were closer someone will get a bargin
  3. moonshine


    Click on the BADA link on my sig loads of usefull info on that cheers kay i have read through the info i have it i'm going to buy some guinea fowl that will f**k'em haha ticks beware i have your nemasis
  4. moonshine


    hi guys we recently moved into a new house and the garden was very over grown so we blizt it took out everything and now it is down to very short grass and a veg plot my problem is ticks over the last 2 weeks we have had about 8 on the dogs and last night my daughter had one on her shoulder i have never had so many in my life and they are having to come from the garden is there anything can do the person next door has 9 cats could they be coming from them? i don't know but advise would be great thanks
  5. see were you coming from i no what to feed them living conditions etc i have had my ferrets from kits but just didnt no how long they were pregnant for started ferreting this season gone good wouldnt breed them but cant afford to get my hob castrated cheers ben mate you could end up spending more in the food for the kits than getting up hob done
  6. mate if you have never tyed nets before save yourself 15 migranes a possible mental breakdown /a devorce and just buy the long net mate made up i had a go at a rabbit net once bought a kit and a book with in 2 hours i was like had another go then picked up the kit and the fu*king eazydo book went in the garden and happly set it on fire then carmly strolled indoors and ordered some on line reaady made job done
  7. i have to disagree with you there mate i have travelers as freinds and they have done way more for me than i have ever done for them and never asked for anything in return . if i ever need anything they are only a phone call away 24/7 to me that is a very good friend indeed no matter what the backround
  8. 100% agree with you when has the government ever listerned to the people of the country its all a shower of sh*t i for one am embarres'd with my country
  9. summer time spinning light tackle few spinners and walk the river bank i only get jack pike but on light tackle they give a great fight and its a nice peaceful walk along the river bank on a summer afternoon IMO you can't beat it for a bit of sport
  10. Been like that for the last 3 winters for me ,gave up chasing fish up & down the NE coast.I'm debating wether to sell up & if this license comes into force i think a lot of lads will call it a day...sea fishing is becoming a very expensive pastime now very true mate it is not a cheap sport by anymeans i use to go all the time but know the bait alone costs£££££
  11. that is superb i wish i had the talent to buld something like that mate
  12. What a load of b*****ks.Just my opinion. Everyone's entitled to an opinion ...i'm just p1ssed off when i've been to a dog shelter that rehomes animals and nigh on every effing dog is a lurcher/ greyhound type or a staffie or staffie x type and the ones that are picked up roaming around are in a disgusting state of health. Whats your answer to this problem ? or don't you see it as being a problem make micro chipping compulsary from the breeder and then change all details over to the new owner on purchase they will have a record for live its a one payment thing and once its there its the
  13. but you are also very right it is how they are brought up you only get back what you put in
  14. LMFAO superb mate (i am what some would say a chav) f*cking brilliant
  15. i agree with you there bud and if you think about it all the puppy farms are LICENCED breeders anyway they get there licence from the council that in its self proves that a licence system would not work however i would be in favor of a licence for banned breeds so peoplke could own them if they wished
  16. the problem is that you have to speak another language to deceifer half of the posts and the information given is poor at best. it needs some kind of control !!! cheers sean if that is the problem fine but how would paying £5 sort that out please inform me all the best
  17. i can't see everybodys problem if you want to sell something then do so who are we to decide weather someone can sell or not weather they have posted 1 or 1000 times there might be a bargin or there might not you choose weather to buy it or not simple if you don't like the section don't go there i can't see the problem its a big fuss over nothing
  18. do you want to buy a kit off me then? ready may - june?? £20 albinos you also said it there mate so are they yours or not ?
  19. there is a plant that you can put in the garden cats hate the smell of it and won't go near it we have had to plant 8 in and around are garden as our neibour has 9 cats and they kept sh**ing in are garden it has worked a treat i will get the name of it later when the gf finally gets out of bed
  20. Are they as big as bullmastiff, and a better guard. I saw one last sat, and if they like the one i saw , they are a breed not to feck about with.??? very true if you have the older style longer in the leg and not all chest they are a awesome gaurd dog buy early socialisation is a must as i have seen a few that are nervy mine is great with kids and will walk good as gold but he is a differant dog when he is at home he is an indoor dog and sleeps at the bottom of the bed and always let me know if there is someone about
  21. the people in lincs were top drive mate im sure but they stopped breeding as the fellar got time for dog fighting charges and yes IMO they bred good dogs i have a presa from there kennels he is 10months old and fantastic very alert very agile and a very good gard and at his young age i am very impresed wit5h the breed
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