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Everything posted by Coneytrappr

  1. Some of the best workers I've ever had were discarded 'pets'. Give em a go.
  2. Good to see you back, that's a fantastic ferret. Looks as leggy as a lurcher in that second pic.
  3. Well the big bird in the video was very unlady like , she said the '' C'' word , you dont really want to hear it she was very common , she admitted she had never been ferreting so i dont really know how she can have an opinion on it. Typical of a lot of folk who think fresh meat comes wrapped in cling film, the best bit was when the daft bint said she liked animals to live a free life, you wont get much better than how rabbits live To be honest its laughable at best Then I didn't miss anything by the sounds of it. Typical uneducated opinion. The lads did well for themselves by
  4. What was said? No sound on this computer
  5. I consider them to be fully grown once they reach sexual maturity, their first rut or heat. Mine start work at 5-6 months
  6. No polecat in any of mine, I know that for a fact.
  7. the fella got them from a zoo under licence,and there a thing these pole cats do tht iv never witneset a ferret do, this jill will work rabbit and then start rolling a slug across the ground trying to get the slime of it,and then eat it. when she was in kit she had 3" of shavings in her day run, but she pulled all of it into her bed to make a nest, it looked like it had been swept out,and there are charactoristics a ferret just dose't do. there is no gaurante these kits will be as dark as there mother, there 7/8 back to pure and one kit has mit feet and white eye brows but the others look dar
  8. I figured mate, just couldn't help meself
  9. Silverback? Hope you have a big court, mate.
  10. Brim, I would rather be catching them fully grown as well, but they really needed thinning a bit. Not from a sporting perspective, they were ringbarking some small trees. Ferret1- I'm prepared, flame proof underclothes and all These ones had to be sorted. Have seen a black here as well though I never managed to get him out of any warren.
  11. plays a mean banjo then too!!! crackin pics and vid -nice to see atb chris Ain't that the truth...squeal like a pig, boy!
  12. Was out for a while today clearing up some...a few about that are a bit small but if they've got to go then they've got to go. Had these bolt from the same warren into the net at the same time with the fert right behind, certainly not the oddest rabbit ever seen but something a bit different. This one couldn't have been more tangled if he tried Let's see everyone's odd rabbits
  13. 8-10 seems to be average if well looked after, my oldest jill is eight, still runs about like a mad thing.
  14. Dog thieves are amongst the worst type of people, hope you get him back, all the best.
  15. I would work it, not like there's much to see down a deep bury anyway.
  16. There's some pretty good hunting to be had in Australia, foxes, hares, rabbits, feral cats, feral dogs, pigs, deer, etc, though you will get funny looks if you talk about 'lamping' there as they call it 'spotlighting'. You will be able to carry on
  17. These days I have a real prefference for aluminium tent pegs, light to carry and rarely need to be replaced.
  18. Good to know fellas, I was thinking that both could make interesting and productive crosses, always nice to hear of other's experiences That's a nice looking dog ASME IX, what game will he/she take?
  19. Would anyone put either of these breeds over a grey? Do you think one or both would bring anything of worth to a lurcher ....what advantages or disadvantages would you anticipate? Australian kelpie Blue Heeler These ain't my dogs, just pictures found in Google. I would be interested in everyone's opinions.
  20. Six months should be fine to start working them, I start all mine at that age.
  21. I believe that kit will end up working just fine, I've never noticed mine using their tails to hunt rabbits . Pups adapt to having their tails docked, no reason a ferret couldn't.
  22. yea i am like i thought it was fine,lol,but tha twat had me thinking i was doing wrong by doing that like...could i give them a chick every other day or anything as i dont get out every week to give them rabbit like its only when i get out on the field they get rabbit realy or any meat for that matter,what would be the best meat to start to add into their diet and how often...sorry if im being a pain in the ass lol Lots of people feed chicks , i personally dont but i think that will be fine with the kibble as well ok no probs thanks...what red meat would you recomend lol i wouldn
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