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warm barrels

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Everything posted by warm barrels

  1. Snake? who me? get real pal.

  2. The total was 400 geese mixed graylag, canada, and some pinkfoot. The Duck quoted is correct according to the book SORRY for the typing error and to clarify the geese were all used by the shots/relatives/locals etc. As they were shot due to dammaged caused to crops. I am no expert on the fact that 400 is 0.5% of the total Icelandic greylag population but some of those shot are local resident population.And they are seen in their hundreds in (skiens) up there.Anyway sorry for the mistake. Incidentally an Italian Organisation came with the authority of the Island Council and the Scottish Execut
  3. Sorry to all those who read my topic re:the above I added zero to the tally for the few days we were up there shooting them. A big thank you to "tom1Cameron" for pointing this out to me ... anyway sorry
  4. serious shooter then eh?

  5. Another Townie type...unknown with a dog to roam the fields

  6. Thank god it is a cap gun I shudder to think of you with a 12g or rifle...

  7. Talking to my employer today,the topic arose regarding the value of the estate which is 7003 acres of mixed arable land.He says that if he sold at todays price the entire lot ( not including the manor hall ) as a going concern ie: the farming /shooting /fishing he could command well over the 5 to 6 million pound mark. I disagree as the price of land has dropped due to the credit crunch am I right .? has the price of agricultural land dropped? How much is the average shoot price nowadays anyway to buy???
  8. Chin them best way ..Humane.... instant.....easiest. :aggressive:
  9. Enough said there then covered mate
  10. I read this thread with interest and it reminded me of a lecture we had at the old " Game Conservatory " down in Fordingbridge Hants (back when I was trainning ). We had a visit from Mackenzie Thorpe the great wildfowler who told us that any hide no matter whatever made with, or how constructed ( so long as it is capabile of concealing you ) will become part of the landscape and therefore the wildlife will accept it.If you have permission to build one then any material will do. We have used last year garden panel fencing not camoflauged just erected and the weeds/grasses have surrounded them
  11. You will need a release pen at least the guideline of 1sq ft per bird for that amount you will require a pen somewhere in the region of 25yds x 15yds. We here rear in excess of 10000 birds each year and we make sure ours have room in them.the more the better with natural cover inside. Good luck.
  12. Heard it is quite good one of my young underkeepers went there I think back in 2007. Anyway enjoy yourself and good luck.
  13. Yes well said that man AND IF I might add "rabbit does have its "area" and it IS against the law to transfer them to another area without " DEFRA " NOTIFICATION so dont try.
  14. well done nice to see new blood trying to get into the keepering prof:I was one of the old school class of 1970 at " The Game Conservancy " down at Frodingbridge in Hampshire and never looked back.
  15. Dont use the Texans they make too much noise in the wind and will scare the geese off. As for the Orkney Islands yes we have shot there and the boss has an estate up there(travel from Aberdeen)We kill a lot in late November and I stay on after the boss has come down home.Last November we shot 1452 AND 864 duck all with full/half bodied decoys ( we get ours from Cabelas in USA ). Some good sport up there but it is all private and expensive as you can imagine also large areas are for conservation so the islanders do not take kindly to shots. HOPE THIS ANSWERS YOUR QUESTION. If not PM me.
  16. Just joined today thought I`d let you all know.
  17. :clapping: A BETTER post would be "where could members" get a list of ALL the GAME SHOWS/ small village SHOWS and then they can make their own mind up? surely there is a website???just an idea?
  19. As one of the local keepers around the "SELBY AREA" I might add my comments on this subject.SELBY game fair held in the grounds of Carlton Towers is one of the many such fairs around the UK.I personaly dont like it as it is not much to do with the hunting/shooting/fishing brigade as we like..stalls for shots/clothes/etc.Yes it will have a few as norm but all is on the family,fair type entertainment for the TOWNEY..Good for a day out or your birthday but to the professional..forget it.
  20. Yes use bigger bait that puts the "hawk family" off However some still try to take advantage but ... when caught before release hold the bird and colse the beak with finger/thumb and hold for about 30secs all the hawk family dont like this treatment..and he will think twice from comming again.
  21. :oops: I too have had that trouble some idiot removing/pulling tight the snare.This happened once when thw boss "the major" decided to walk along with me. hell no joke then.Bunnies can be awkwarc too comming from the un-likeliest places.Still we all have to carry on and do the best we can.
  22. Just joined whats going off then? looking forward to talking to you all.
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