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Everything posted by littlefish

  1. Total morons. I just read the article on the injuries that led to the death of the old lady last year....horrific. Why do they think living with a hoard of American bulldogs is a good idea, especially after your Ma gets mauled to death? No hope for the dim feckers...... The welfare of their kids should come under the spotlight before we hear that they got shredded too.
  2. I always thought this looked very exotic.....
  3. So what about kitchen re-fits etc? Worth going ahead with now......or.....best to wait?
  4. What area are you in?
  5. Also by elected representatives who refuse to do the job that they were elected to do........shame on them!
  6. Ellis Island, MOMA, Strawberry Fields memorial at central Park......
  7. Whatever he is, he is DEFINITELY NOT A WOMAN.
  8. Look at Amazon......some variety of terrarium backgrounds on there for ideas.
  9. Still rather live here than those places in England where kids are exp!oited by ethnics.........
  10. But they can pump 10/12 pups out of them at a time and sell them for 2000 or 3000 each........
  11. Francie.......never mind that 'your brother is high up in social care'......how many of these babies have you volunteered to adopt and why were you turned down?
  12. Francie.....how many did you volunteer to adopt? Did social services give a valid reason shy you were unsuitable to adopt?
  13. Francie......how many of these babies are you willing to adopt?
  14. Does anyone encourage their daughters to take part in sports?
  15. It played the role of cheerleader to the 4 legged team.......much more effectively than the 2 legged back up....lol!
  16. I've often said that, as a nation, we need to be more self sufficient. 'Irish stew' consisting of lamb, potatoes, carrot and onion, is the perfect 'complete' food. As a nation, we need to consider this as a priority to feed our citizens, rather than exporting live cargoes of livestock or the right to be able to eat exotic crops all year round.
  17. In the words of the song.......'.Teach Your Children Well'......keep your private bits private and don't be a whore on social media.......simple.
  18. Do they look healthy? What do they look functional for? What have the kc to do with it? What breed exactly are they to have A standard? Shameful. But if fekwits are willing to part with thousands for them, that is their choice, but it only encourages breeding of unhealthy dogs. I wouldn't pay £20 for one.
  19. Do you class these healthy, desirable specimens? I can't imagine any reason for wanting one for any reason.
  20. Ashers make really tasty chilli sausage rolls......yum yum yum!!!
  21. Sad Sad indeed. However, regarding the 'pond life who can't keep her legs shut', what about the pond life who can't resist emptying their ball beg and have no further input to their offspring......?
  22. Another innocent child TOTALLY FAILED by parents, social workers and police. sleep tight, little one.
  23. Would anyone be proud to hand their child their first feg? Has anyone ordered their child/grandchild a personalised lighter as a Christmas gift? Christmas is just around the corner......last minute stocking filler idea........lololol...
  24. It appears that those clogging up hospital ICU beds are those who chose not to have the vaccine. They get sicker. They thought they would get the equivalent of a cold, some do, others, young ones included, are clogging up the hospital beds.
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