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Everything posted by littlefish

  1. Absolutely.... I believe sighthounds/lurchers are underestimated when it comes to the brain department, it just takes input from the handler to get the best out of them. I know I felt right and smug when mine was showing up the collies and labs at times..... :D ....say nothing , just smile smugly......... sometimes the people most surprised at their ability is the class trainers who are used to mostly working with the collies and labs.
  2. What was he eating and what are you changing him on to now? Glad to hear he has picked up again.
  3. I would always make sure a bitch is physically grown prior to speying. So that may mean putting up with a heat or 2 before I would book a bitch for spaying maybe at 2 years old. This gives the bones etc a chance to grow right before removing the ovaries. I do believe they need their hormones to allow them to physically mature right.
  4. no one is saying that mate have a read through it all .atb Oh believe me, I have.............. Can you tell me why most folk use derivitives of the greyhound........ rather than the pure thing............................? i can but i wont I think we all already know why.......
  5. well if theyre no good either then why are the 1st most used as a dog to make a lurcher? Exactly my point, sir.............a derivative, rather than the real thing.
  6. no one is saying that mate have a read through it all .atb Oh believe me, I have.............. Can you tell me why most folk use derivitives of the greyhound........ rather than the pure thing............................?
  7. If pure greys were the most suitable dog for the job, then why doesn't everyone use them........................answers on a postcard please......
  8. That is a very inspiring read. Folks shouldn't look at it as 'being up against collies, labs etc', but instead as an opportunity to improve your dog's behaviour and confidence. It is not a competition - unless you do get bitten by the competition obedience bug..............then we could see you at Crufts, showing up the collies and labs........stranger things could happen.......
  9. Well, reading some of the very frequent repetitive queries on here regarding dogs with little recall and social skills with other dogs etc, i would say a lot of people would have a lot to gain from attending training classes. The ones i have been to have been provided an invaluable chance to mix with other dogs under controlled circumstances and to practice manners, control, recall etc. As was said previously, one of the main purposes of these classes is to train the handlers - particularly people with little previous experience of owing a dog and no idea of what to teach the dog or how to t
  10. In my house Rhum and Tay are drinks........
  11. Good luck with that, however, I do agree that there are some dogs out there who would be best off 'out of circulation' and unfortunately they belong to irresponsible twats and the authorities do nothing about it either.
  12. Patience, practice and one dog off lead at a time......stick at it.....remember to be kind and full of praise when he comes back.......he is only a baby yet.
  13. i use to watch him aswel when i was a kid he did some good stuf.i think it was on sun morning wurnt it mate dont have things like that on anymore was a education watching it his fishing and ferreting stuff was great You've got 'Countryfile' instead............
  14. Good luck with him and well done for giving him another chance for a better life. It is indeed sad that so many of his type are bred, only to end up in the pounds.
  15. What sort of treatment does it involve and what conditions is it used for?
  16. Drink has a lot to answer for..............................but I love it!
  17. Very educational viewing.
  18. Toilet train it like a pup until it adjusts to life indoors. Take it out often and watch for signs that it needs to go out - sniffing, pacing, circling etc. Smacking the arse off it...........what's that supposed to achieve?
  19. I don't understand why you bred this litter and didn't keep one for yourself..............
  20. "it ain't the worse that I seen,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,If you seen what I mean!!!!!"........channeling vintage Van Halen.....
  21. I have a head cold, so will skip the party in the pub. Hope to see in the new year with a bottle of red and Jools Holland's hootanany! Fresh head for out with the dogs tomorrow. Enjoy.................whatever yous are all at!
  22. You folks should complain every Sunday when you all go to church.
  23. Lovely pictures. Good to see so many turning out to cheer them on!
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